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He walked through the world of soldiers Ilya work sought. In the cities found in the villages is not found. He came out in the open field. Shel-go, see - the fence. Elijah went up, wants to enter, and the gate-then and there! The left has gone - no gate, went to the right - not too! Walked round - what a miracle? Fence and only, and no place to enter. Ilya knocked into the fence:
- Tuk-tuk-tuk!
From inside voice
- Who's there?
- It's me!
- Who are you?
- Soldier Ilia!
- What is it, Ilya?
Looking for work!
- Hire me!
- What's the job?
- The water boiled.
- And what agreement?
- One hundred rubles a year!
Просмотров: 817 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 04.12.2012

Zaklinatelnitsa winds

Where the cold gray waves of the sea always fight the giants, cliffs, was a small fishing village. And lived in her old witch Sergilda, Zaklinatelnitsa wind. All her life she had a black sorcery traded winds. Fishermen feared witch, but what to do without a good wind do not go out to sea for fish. "Again, to cap Sergilde time" - sigh salted sea wolves and dragged the old woman gifts, Who sweet cake who dozen eggs, who ring the golden ... "Bewitch, mother, passing wind so catch a noble!" - Prayed witch.

Then went out to the coast Sergilda, muttering her black spell, cooked in a pot sea water, sprinkled brew seafarers.

Day or two, you see, blowing from the shore breeze - it's time at sea!

But once flew whirlwind tomboy, twisted door magi ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 687 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 04.12.2012

Treasure Vanka-Cain

Vanka-Cain was in prison and was sad. Long evenings he kept going on his fingers as he is for the time missed kupchishek that, knowing that Vanka was caught the same, and the goods were taken during the day or night without fear that they will be robbed. He sat, angry, and could not help it, because the left leg of his weight was trehpudovaya chain chained on barred windows stood, was an iron door, and the walls - of oak logs. Night he was sometimes the king Peas came to talk about this and that. Little, said in the realm of smart people have left, well, they say, that you, Vanya, Catch. It would be necessary, they say, once you send on the block, but then can be devoured boredom ...

Here again he came, brought the fairing - biscuit with royal table yes tail herring.
... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 718 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 04.12.2012

Tale of the Mermaid silver

... Powerful and everlasting dark forests around the ancient city of Murom. Lives in them not frightened beasts, cunning man never known.
Goes through the forest wide Murom Tsar tract. And from him dive into slumber windbreaks overgrown weeds stitches-track. Who they beat a? Where are they? No one knows.
But ... Hark! Hooves on the old road. Rider. Branches lashed to cap sable. Rotation, the other ... Suddenly flickered in more light. Clop-clop - Remove exhausted horse on the meadow, to the back of the old cottage.

Dismounted good fellow. Silence all around, the dog does not bark, does not squeak Sump gate ...
      - Hey, the hosts! Take the sovereign rights to stop! I get lost ...
Opened the door an old man in a shabby Jaeg ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 721 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 04.12.2012

Sea Tale
It happened not far from here, out of that mountain, like a dinosaur came to drink. Storm began. On the shore, poluzasypanny sand lying on his side the old boat. Boat creaked and sighed heavily. He knew - this is his last storm. Rotten covering not stand the pounding waves. Another hour or two - and it will take away the debris in the sea ...
Only a huge wooden Helm did not share his concerns. The mighty wheel of the wheel, darkened by sea salt impregnated and polished by human hands for so many years, turned to the bustling sea.

Old Helm dreamed. He was an incorrigible romantic, like his friend - the Captain. They both long months are sailing, trying to ignore the grumbling and complaints of the boat, which "needs a warm and calm dock, secured enough tar and paint old age, and not all there ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 999 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 04.12.2012