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A fool and birch
A fool and birch

(Russian folk tale)
In a certain kingdom, in some states, there lived an old man, he had three sons, two smart, third fool. Dead man. Sons divided the estate for foals. Clever got a lot of things good and fool one bull - and the worst!

Came Fair. Smart brothers gather for auction to go. Fool saw and said:

- And I, my friends, I will lead a bull market.

Caught on the horns of a bull with a rope and led him into the city. What happened to him go to the forest, and the forest was an old, dry birch, the wind blows - and birch creak.

"Kiss the birch creaks? - Thinks fool. - I'm not selling you my bull? "

- Well, - he says - if you want to buy so buy, and I would not mind to sell! Ox is twenty rubles, less impossible to take a minute ... take out the money!

Birch is nothing he does not answer, just squeaks and fool fancies that she asks to borrow a bull.

- Very well, I'll wait until tomorrow!

Bull tied to a birch-bye to her and went home.

That's clever brothers came and asked:

- Well, fool, sold a bull?

- Sell.

- For much?

- Over twenty rubles.

- And the money where?

- Money is not received, it is said - come tomorrow.

- Oh, you easy!

The next morning got up fool, shells and went to birch for the money. Comes in a wood - birch stands, the wind sways and no bull: the night the wolves ate.

- Well, neighbor, Give money, you promised yourself that today pay.

Wind blew - Birch creaked, and a fool says:

- What do you know what wrong! Yesterday was telling: "Tomorrow I will give" - ​​and now the same sulish. So be it, wait for another day, and even more will not - I own the money needed.

Returned home. Brothers again stuck to it:

- What was the money?

- No, my friends! We had to wait for more money.

- But who do you sell it?

- Dry birch tree in the forest.

- What a fool!

On the third day, took a stupid ax and went to the forest. Comes and takes money. Birch creak creak yes.

- No, neighbor! Coley all will regale breakfast, so with you never get. I'm joking, do not love you and I butchered alive.

Suffice as its ax - so chips and sprinkle on all sides.

In the birch tree was hollow ... but in the hollow of the robbers hid pot full of gold. Decayed wood in two, and I saw a fool fine gold nagreb whole floor and dragged home. Brought and shows brothers.

- Where are you, fool, got so many?

- Countryman gave the bull, but there is not yet fully all, tea, and half are not brought home. Let's go boys, pick up the rest.

Went into the forest, took the money and carried it home.

Tale - the end, and I - honey Koretz.

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