Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 27
Gift for Santa Claus

Swedish fairy tale

Lived in a northern village carpenter by the name of Anderson, craftsman. One day before the New Year, while his wife and children dressed Christmas tree, Anderson slipped quietly out of the house. He was prepared to shed a bag of gifts, crackers, candy - different toys, and he wanted to dress up as Santa Claus, knock on the door and delight in this unexpected appearance of his Peter, Martha and Olaf.

Carpenter packed gifts for sleds and dragged them to the porch. The house stood on a hill, the slope was steep, Anderson took the time and suddenly slipped and fell right on the sled and rolled down. And - bang! - Bumped from dispersal to the man who was walking along the road - and in the snow, do not know where your hands now, where the legs.

- I beg your pardon! - Anderson said, getting out of the snow.

- It's my fault ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 521 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Wonderful shirt

In a certain kingdom there lived a rich merchant. Merchant died and left three sons by age. Two senior each day went hunting.

At one point, they took with them and his younger brother, Ivan, to hunt, took him to a dense forest and left there - so that all his father's estate divided among themselves, and to disinherit him.

Ivan - the merchant's son for a long time wandering in the woods, eating berries roots yes, finally got out on the plain, and on the plain, he saw the house.

Entered the room, walked, and walked - no one anywhere is empty, only one room at a table covered with three instruments, cymbals are three bread before every device on a bottle of wine delivered. Ivan - the merchant's son took a bite out of each piece of bread in a small, ate, and then all three of the bottles took a little bit of everything and hid behind the door.

Просмотров: 423 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

In a certain kingdom, in a country, there lived a king, and he had three sons. Younger called Prince Ivan.

He called one day the king's sons, and said to them:

- My children are cute, you are now all on the age, it's time you think of your sweetheart!

- Whom are we, sir, woo?

- Did you take an arrow, pull your stiff bows and shoot arrows in different directions. Where the boom will fall - and there was wooed.

Brothers went to his father's large courtyard, pulled his taut bow and shot.

Shot an arrow older brother. Boom fell on seigniorial court, and raised her daughter Boyar.

Middle brother shot an arrow - an arrow flew to a rich merchant yard. Raised its merchant's daughter.

Shot an arrow Prince Ivan - his arrow flew right into a swampy marsh, and lifted her frog-wah ...
Просмотров: 751 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Princess Snake

(Russian folk tale)
Cossacks rode by-road, and drove into the thick forest, in the forest at the cost progalinke haystack. Cossack stopped to rest a little bit, went around stacks and lit up, smoked, smoked and did not see how the spark planted in hay. Cossack sat on his horse and started off, did not have time to make ten steps as flared and lit up the whole forest. Cossack looked back, looks - a haystack burning, and the fire is fair maiden, and said with a loud voice:

- Kazak, my good man! Deliver me from death.

- How do you get rid of? Range of flame, no to you get at it.

- Sun Fire in its peak, I get out of it.

Cossack lance thrust into the fire, and the heat from the great back away.

Immediately maiden turnover serpent, climbed on the peak, the Cossack slipped around his neck, wrapped around his neck th ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 458 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

brave ram

Send a goat and a sheep in a remote forest grass to nibble, take a walk on the expanse. Walked, walked, got lost in the dark forest. We went to a remote thicket, watching wolves under a tree, cook dinner.

Goat sheep quietly says:

- What do we do to each bar? We see we are gone. Savage wolves will eat us.

Baran said more quietly:

- Let's climb a tree, the tree-maybe wolves will not reach us!

Sheep and goat climbed up a tree.

Climbed, climbed, dolezli up to the top. Fell off the top of a ram, caught on the horns of females. Bough broke and flew from tree to ram the ground, right where wolves were cooking dinner.

Crashed to the ground, bleated out of fear:

- Baie-uh!

Afraid of wolves, pots pushed, t ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 455 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Artful Science

(Russian folk tale)
They used to live but the woman's grandfather, was their son. An old man once was poor, he wanted to send him to a science, that in his youth his parents on joy, in his old age for a change, but what will you do if there is no prosperity! He drove it, drove around the city - perhaps in training who will, no, no one undertook to teach without money.

The old man returned home, wept, wept with baboyu, tighter-grieve for their poverty, and again took his son to the city. Only when they came to the city, a man comes out to meet them and asked his grandfather:

- What, the old man, prigoryunilsya?

- How can I not prigoryunitsya! - Said the old man. - That drove, drove his son, no one takes no money in science, and money netuti!

- Well, give it to me, - says head - I have it in three years, will learn all the tricks. Thre ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 527 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012


(Russian folk tale)
There are good people in the world, there are worse, there are those who are not ashamed of his brother.

By such and got tithe-Havroshechka. She was left an orphan, took it these people, brought up and over the work of Zamora: she weaves, she spins, she tidied up, she is responsible for everything.

Were her mistress three daughters. The eldest was called One-eye, the middle - Dvuglazka, and smaller - Triglazka.

Daughter and only knew that the gate to sit outside to look, and tithe-Havroshechka work for them: and they sewed, they spun and wove - and kind words never heard.

Will used to tithe-Havroshechka in the field, will embrace his ryabuyu cow, and lie to her neck and tells her how hard to live happily ever after.

- Cow-mother! I beat, berate, bread is not given, weep not told. By tomorrow ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 545 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

FINIST - the Falcon

There lived a farmer. Died in his wife, left three daughters. The old man wanted to hire a worker - to help the economy. But the smaller daughter Maryushka, said:

- No, sir, hire worker itself, I'll keep farming.

Okay. Daughter became Maryushka farm news. All the while she can, all the while she got on. Father loved Maryushka: glad that such a clever but hard-working daughter grows. Of itself, it Maryushka beauty of Scripture. And her sister zaviduschie zhadnyuschie yes, of themselves, they are ugly, and the ladies-peremodnitsy - all day sitting belyatsya yes, but ruddy, so dress up in new clothes, dress them - not dress, boots - no boots, a scarf - not scarf.

Father went to the market and asks daughters:

- What are you, daughter, to buy than to please?

And they say the older and middle daughter:
Просмотров: 582 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012


Built a fly tower and live in it. Running flea-popryguha, saw Mansion and knock

- Who's who in teremu? Who's who in the highest?

- I - fly-goryuha. Who are you?

- And I - flea-popryguha.

- Come to me live!

They began to live together.

Flying mosquito-peeper, and knock:

- Who's who in teremu? Who's who in the highest?

- I - fly-goryuha.

- I - flea-popryguha. Who are you?

- I mosquito-peeper.

- Come to us live!

Running mouse-norushka and knock

- Who's who in teremu? Who's who in the highest?

- I - fly-goryuha.

- I - flea-popryguha. - I - a mosquito-peep ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 430 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Seven Simeons

(Russian folk tale)
There once was an old man and an old woman. The hour has come: a man died. Left him seven twin sons that nicknamed Seven Simeons.

Here they grow but grow, all alone in a single person and the article, and every morning, go to plow all seven.

It so happened that the Parties toyu rode the king sees the road that far in the plowed earth as a corvee - so many people! - And he knows that the other side is not the lord of the earth.

Here the king sends his groom know what kind of people are they plow, what sort and rank, aristocratic or royal, yard there any, or hired?

Comes to their groom, asks:

- What kind of people you are there, and what the nature of the title?


- And we are people, we have seven naked Simeonov, and we plow the land o ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 427 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Seven Simeons

(Russian folk tale)
There once was an old man and an old woman. The hour has come: a man died. Left him seven twin sons that nicknamed Seven Simeons.

Here they grow but grow, all alone in a single person and the article, and every morning, go to plow all seven.

It so happened that the Parties toyu rode the king sees the road that far in the plowed earth as a corvee - so many people! - And he knows that the other side is not the lord of the earth.

Here the king sends his groom know what kind of people are they plow, what sort and rank, aristocratic or royal, yard there any, or hired?

Comes to their groom, asks:

- What kind of people you are there, and what the nature of the title?


- And we are people, we have seven naked Simeonov, and we plow the land o ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 413 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Tale of a glorious, mighty warriors Eruslane Lazarevic

In some states Kartaus lived a king, and it was in his service twelve heroes. But the strongest and most important of the twelve heroes honored by the name of Prince Lazar Lazarevic. And no amount of trying other heroes, none of them could win matches for young Lazar Lazarevic.

And he turned twenty. Become parents talk:

- The son of a family ripe time to acquire! Yes, and Lazar Lazarevic was not averse to marry, only to choose the bride can not: that her father and mother do not like, you do not groom Luba.

So time went by. And Lazarus was Lazarevic ask parents:

- Let me go on their way. I want to look into the light, and to show themselves.

Parents did not contradict. So farewell good fellow with his father, his mother and left Kartausova kingdom. Long or a short, near or far it ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 612 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Alenka sister and brother Ivan

(Russian folk tale)
Once upon a time an old man so old, they had a daughter Alenka yes son Ivan.

The old man and the old woman died. Ivan remained Alyonushka yes-some quite alone.

Alenka went to work and took her brother with them. They walk on the far way, in a broad field, and wanted to Ivan the drink.

- Alenka Sister, I am thirsty!

- Hold on, buddy, get to the well.

They walked and walked - the sun is high, well away, exasperated heat, sweat stands. Cost cow hoof complete some water.

- Sister Alyonushka, bread I of hooves!

- Do not drink, my friend, will become a calf!

Brother obeyed, went further.

The sun is high, well away, exasperated heat, sweat stands. It should be a horse hoof complete ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 827 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

By Pike

There once was an old man. He had three sons, two smart, third - Fool Emelya.

Those brothers are working, and Emelya day is on the stove, does not want to know anything.

Once the brothers went to the market, and the women, my daughters, let's send it to:

- Go, Emelya for water.

And he named the stove:

- Do not feel like ...

- Go, Emelya, and that the brothers from the market gates, Gostintsev not you bring.

- Okay.

Emelya tears from the stove, put on his boots, got dressed, took a bucket so the ax and went to the river.

Cut through the ice, scooped up a bucket and put them, and he looks in the hole. And I saw in the hole Emelya pike. Contrived and caught a pike in his hand:

- That would be sweet to the ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 530 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

ODP there - do not know where, bring it - I DO NOT KNOW WHAT

In some states, there lived a king, single - not married. Was in his service shooter named Andrew.

Andrew went again the arrow to hunt. Walked and walked all day in the woods, do not happen, could not attack on the game. The time was in the evening, he goes back - grief. Sees - Dove sitting on a tree.

"Give me - I think - at least this Strelna."

Shot and wounded her - turtle fell from the tree on the damp ground. Andrew picked it up, wanted to turn her head, put in a bag.

A turtle tells him a human voice:

- Do not destroy me, Andrei-shooter, not cut my head, take me alive, get home, put on the box. Yes, look, it has found me a nap - at that time hit me with his right hand backhand: dobudesh yourself a great happiness.

Andrew was surprised-shooter: w ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 529 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Shepherd's flute

(Russian folk tale)
Lived in the same village, an old man so old, poor-prebednye, and was their son Ivan. From an early age he loved to play a pipe. And so he played that all listened - could not hear enough. Ivan will play a sad song - all prigoryunyatsya, all the tears roll. Sparkle dance tune - all dancing go can not resist.

Ivan grew up and said to his father but the mother:

- I will go, father and mother, the workers are employed. How much work - all you'll get.

Said goodbye and left.

He came to a village - no one hires. In came another - and there workers are not needed.

Ivan went on.

Walked and walked, went to the far village. Walking from hut to hut, asks:

- No need for a worker to whom?

Came out of a house and a man said: ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 490 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Petrified kingdom

(Russian folk tale)
In a certain kingdom, in a country, there lived a soldier, he was a long and impeccable service are well known, at the review, the scientists have to clean and serviceable. Was the last year dosluzhivat - as in trouble, took a dislike to his superiors, not only the big, and small: and then sticks a rap.

Hard to become a soldier, and he planned to run during a satchel over his shoulder, his gun on his shoulder and began to say goodbye to his friends, and they asked him:

- Where are you going? Al battalion requires?

- Do not ask me, boys! Tighten-ka pack tighter so do not remember evil against me!

And he went, my good fellow, aimlessly.

Much or how little there was - was in another country, saw time and asks:

- You can not see where to stop and rest?
Просмотров: 388 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Night of Ivan Kupala

(Russian folk tale)
There was one gentleman bonded slave. So even think this slave of Ivan Kupala, into the night, to go to the forest, fern break to get the treasure.

He waited for the night, put his master to bed at eleven o'clock, and went into the woods.

Included in the forest. There was then a whistle, noise, noise and laughter. Was terribly, but he did: though terribly and goes. Looks - features an Indian on horseback rides cock. And it did: went slave - never said a word.

And then he saw: growing away flower shines - just to stem the fire ember lies.

Glad slave, running to the flower ran, well, hell to stop it: who pulls the floor, who blocked the road, who rolled up under his feet, that he fell. Already almost ran slave to flower, but then could not resist coming from rugnetsya devils:

Просмотров: 476 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Do not like it - do not listen

(Russian folk tale)
Two brothers lived clever, and the third a fool. One day they went to the forest for firewood, and they wanted to have lunch there, they poured in a large pot, poured into water, and the fire is not present.

Was close to the bee house. That is the big brother and said:

- Enjoy me the fire to the bee house.

Comes in and says the old man,

- Grandpa, give me a spark.

And the grandfather says:

- Play a song before me.

- Yes I am, my grandfather, I can not.

- Well, poplyashi.

- I, the grandfather, not much.

- And not much, so you do not have, and fire!

And comes this big brother's fire to his brothers.

Просмотров: 414 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Man and a bear

(Russian folk tale)
A man went into the forest to plant turnips. Yes there plow works. Came to him bear:

- Man, I'm broke.

- Do not break me, medvedyushka better to come together to plant turnips. I currently take only the roots, and you'll give tops.

- To be so, - said the bear. - And if fooled, because the forest to me at least do not go.

Said, and went into Dubrova.

Turnip grew big. A guy came in the autumn digging turnips. A bear comes out of Dubrova:

- Man, let's divide the turnips, my share of Give.

- Okay, medvedyushka, let's divide: you tops, backs to me.

Gave the man bear all tops. A turnip naklal on a cart and drove into town to sell.

Meet him bear:

- Man, where are you going? ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 588 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

SEA KING and Vasilisa the Wise

Miles and miles away, in the fairy country, there lived a king and queen, the children they were not. King went to foreign lands, on the far side, a long time not been home, at that time the queen gave birth to a son, Prince Ivan, and the king of that and does not know.

He began to keep a track in the state, was driven to his land, and the day-it was a hot-hot, the sun was scorching heat! And attacked him great thirst, neither give, if only water to drink! Looked around and saw a large lake not far away, drove to the lake, got off his horse, he lay on the ground and began to swallow cold water. Drinking and does not feel the misfortune: but the king of the sea grabbed his beard.

- Let me go! - Asks the king.

- I will not let, do not dare to drink it without my permission!

- What you want to take up farming, just let go!
... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1491 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Mary Morevna

In a certain kingdom, in a country, there lived a Prince Ivan and he had three sisters: one Princess Maria, Olga, another princess, the third Princess Anna. The mother and father they died, dying, they punished her son:

- Who was the first of your sisters will woo for that and give - to yourself do not hold long!

Prince buried parents and grief went with her sisters in the green garden walk. Suddenly finds a black cloud on the sky, there is a terrible storm.

- Come on, sister, home! - Said Ivan Tsarevich.

Just arrived at the palace - like a thunderclap, forked the ceiling, and flew them into the chamber clear falcon, hawk hit the floor, do a good youth, and says:

- Hail, Prince Ivan! First I went to a guest, but now come the matchmaker, I want you sister Princess Maria-woo.

- Koli Telegram you si ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 629 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Jack Frost

(Russian folk tale)
Alive and used to - but my grandfather lived with another wife. My grandfather had a daughter, and a woman had a daughter.

Everyone knows how a stepmother to live: pereverneshsya - nedoverneshsya bits - bits. A native daughter that neither will do - for all the pat on the head: smart.

Stepdaughter and cattle watered, fed, wood and water to the house wore furnace stoked, chalk house - before the world ... The old woman does not please everyone - it's not that all bad.

Wind least make some noise, so calm down, and the old woman disagrees - not soon her kill. That's stepmother and stepdaughter came up to the light to be the death.

- Vesey, bring it, old man - said to her husband, - wherever you want to get my eyes did not see it! It take me to the forest, to the bitter cold.

Zatuzhil old, began t ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 457 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Masha and the Bear

(Russian folk tale)
Once upon a grandfather grandmother yes. Was their granddaughter Masha.

Gathered again girlfriend in the woods for mushrooms and berries. Come to call with you and Masha.

- Grandpa, Grandma - said Masha, - let me go to the woods with my friends!

Grandparents say:

- Come on, just look on the bridesmaids do not fall behind, not get lost.

Girls came to the forest, began to collect mushrooms and berries. Here Masha - a sapling tree, bush for Bush - and has gone far, far away from friends.

She began to halloo to one another, began to call them, and girlfriends do not hear, do not respond.

Walked, and walked through the woods Masha - quite lost.

She came in very remote place, in the very thicket. Sees - is a hut. Mash ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 511 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Flying Ship

(Russian folk tale)
Once upon a time an old man so old. They had three sons - two senior reputed wiseacres, and younger all the dumb name. Senior old woman loved - wore clean, fed delicious. A junior in holey shirt walked, black crust chewed.

- He, fool, still he did not understand anything, do not understand!

Then one day came to the village of the news that the king who builds a ship to go and on the seas and the clouds flew, - for that king will give his daughter.

We decided to try his luck older brothers.

- Let us go, my father and mother! Perhaps kotoryy-nibud of us will be the king's son in law!

Mother sent the older sons, baked them in the way of white cakes, fry chicken-Navarro yes goose:

- Go on, son!

Brothers went into the forest, the trees were cut dow ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 576 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Lazy Arina

(Russian folk tale)
There once was a man, Ivan and wife Arina. He sent it in the rye harvest.

Arina came here on the strip, squeeze a spot, so you can one lie down, lay down, and slept horoshohonko went home, though, and really worked hard to work with.

- What's wife - her husband asks - how many of today squeezed?

- Thank you, God, one place squeezed.

"Well, that's good! - Thinking man. - One band, then committed suicide. "

Again the next day went Arina in the field, squeezed place and slept until the evening, and on the third day - the same thing, and the fourth - the same thing, so all week and provolochila.

It is time to think a man with the sheaves in the field of travel.

Comes - and rye is all luxuriate; here and there, here and there squeezed place, and eve ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 461 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Cabin animals

(Russian folk tale)
Bull went forest comes to meet him a ram.

-Where, ram, are you going? - Asked the bull.

From the summer-winter looking - said ram.

-Come with me!

Here went together, comes out to meet them a pig.

-Where, pig, are you going? - Asked the bull.

From the summer-winter looking for - answers pig.

-Come with us.

Three of us went on, meet them goose.

-Where, goose, are you going? - Asks the bull.

From the summer-winter looking for - responsible goose.

Well, come with us!

That's the goose and went after them. Go and meet them cock.

-Where, cock, coming? - Asked the bull.

Просмотров: 451 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Enchanted Princess

In a certain kingdom served as soldiers in the king's Horse Guards, served for twenty-five years through faith and righteousness for his faithful service to the king ordered him to release the net down and give him a reward that same horse on which the regiment was driving seat and with all harness.

Just a soldier with his friends and went home, day rides, and another, and a third ... that's the whole week passed, and another, and a third - not enough money from the soldier, nothing to feed themselves or a horse, and to the house far, far away! Sees that the point is painfully bad, very hungry, began to stare at the sides and saw the side of the large castle. "Come on - I think - not to call you back, maybe for a while to take the service - anything and earn."

Turned in the lock, entered the yard, put the horse in the stable and asked her stern, and he went in the house. In the wards tabl ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 452 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf

(Russian folk tale)
There once was a king Behrend, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And he was the king of a great garden, grown in the garden apple tree with golden apples.

Became the king's garden, visit someone, to steal the golden apples. The king was sorry for his garden. He sent back the guards. None of the guards can not keep track pohitnika.

King and stopped eating and drinking, homesick. Sons father console:

-? Our dear father, do not worry, we ourselves become garden watch.

The eldest son said:

-? Now it's my turn, I'm going to guard the garden from pohitnika.

Went to the eldest son. How many have walked in the evening, one can not keep track, fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.

Просмотров: 720 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Ivan - the son of a peasant and a miracle-Judaic

In a certain kingdom, in a country once upon an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. Younger called Ivan. They lived - not lazy, from morning to night labored so plowed plowed seeded bread.

Suddenly spread in the kingdom-state bad news: going to wonder Judaic rotten to their land to attack, destroy all the people, all the city-village fire burn. Zatuzhili elderly couple, zagorevali. And the older sons to comfort them:

- Do not worry, my father and mother! We'll go for a miracle-Judaic, will fight him to the death! And so you do not miss one, you let Ivan remains: he is too young to go to battle.

- No, - said Ivatgushka - I do not want to stay at home so you have to wait, and I'll go with a miracle-Udoma beat!

Do not have an elderly couple to hold it so discouraging. shells had all three boys on t ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 586 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Helen Wise

(Russian folk tale)
In the years in some old ancient kingdom, not in our state, it happened one soldier at a stone tower on the watch stand, the castle tower was locked and sealed with the seal, and the case-it was at night.

At twelve o'clock heard a soldier, someone shouted from the tower:

- Hey, soldier!

The soldier asks:

- Who I klichet?

- This is me - hell, - speaks a voice from behind the iron grating, - thirty years sitting here neither bite nor sup.

- What do you want?

- Let me loose. As you're in need, I'll be of use to himself, only remember me - and I'm in the same moment you will manifest myself to the rescue.

Soldiers immediately broke the seal, broke the lock and opened the door - the devil jumped out of the tower, was hoisted ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1034 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

A fool and birch

(Russian folk tale)
In a certain kingdom, in some states, there lived an old man, he had three sons, two smart, third fool. Dead man. Sons divided the estate for foals. Clever got a lot of things good and fool one bull - and the worst!

Came Fair. Smart brothers gather for auction to go. Fool saw and said:

- And I, my friends, I will lead a bull market.

Caught on the horns of a bull with a rope and led him into the city. What happened to him go to the forest, and the forest was an old, dry birch, the wind blows - and birch creak.

"Kiss the birch creaks? - Thinks fool. - I'm not selling you my bull? "

- Well, - he says - if you want to buy so buy, and I would not mind to sell! Ox is twenty rubles, less impossible to take a minute ... take out the money!

Birch is nothing he does not an ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 517 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Daughter of seven-year

(Russian folk tale)
We drove two brothers, one poor, the other rich. Both the horse, the poor mare, gelding with the rich. They stopped for the night near. The poor mare brought night foal, colt rolled a cart rich. He wakes up the next morning the poor:

- Come on, brother! I gave birth to a colt wagon at night.

Brother stood up and said:

- How can I, that gave birth to a colt wagon? This brought my mare.

Rich says:

- If I had your mare is brought, the colt would have been near!

Bet they went to the authorities. Rich judges gave money, but the words have not justified.

It came to the king himself. He ordered the brothers to call them and make a four puzzles:

- What thing in the world is stronger and faster? That anything fatter? ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 449 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012


(Russian folk tale)
Yes man lived a woman. They had a daughter, but a little boy.

- My daughter - my mother said, - we go to work, take care of her brother! Do not go to court, be a good girl - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

My father and mother were gone, and my daughter had forgotten what she ordered: brother landed on the grass under the window, she ran out, tune up, paint the town red.

Flew geese, picked up the boy, carried away on the wings.

Returned the girl, looking - no brother! Gasped, ran back and forth - no!

She had to click, tears poured, prichityvala of the evil will of the father and mother - brother did not respond.

She ran out into the open field and only saw: darted away geese and disappeared behind the dark forest. Then she realized that they took her brother: about geese swan ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 516 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Magic Ring

In a certain kingdom, in a country there lived an elderly couple and their son was Martynka. His whole life was engaged in hunting old, beat the beast and bird, and he ate those, and a family to feed. The time has come - the old man fell ill and died. Martynka stayed with her mother tightly, cried, but there was nothing to do: the dead will not return back. Lived for a week and all the bread pall that was left.

The old woman sees that there is nothing more, it is necessary for the money taken, and then the old man left them two hundred rubles. Did not want to hurt her start salt away, but no amount was fixed, and it all begins - not with the same hunger to die! Counted out a hundred rubles, and said to his son:

- Well, Martynka, here's one hundred tselkovikov, go ask the neighbors horse, go to the city but to procure bread. Maybe somehow promayachim winter and spring will become job search.
... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 569 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Wolf and kids

Once there was a goat with kids. Goat went to the forest to eat grass silk, drinking ice cold water. Once gone - kozlyatki cabin and locked up themselves will not come out.

GATES goat, knocking on the door and sing:

- Kozlyatushki, boys!
Unlock, opened!
Your mother came - brought milk;
Milk runs on vymechku,
From vymechka on kopytechku,
Kopytechka of cheese in the ground!
Kozlyatki unlocked the door and let her mother. She feed them, and shall give again gone to the forest, goats forth one shall shut up tight, firmly.

Wolf overheard singing goat. Here again the goat was gone, the wolf ran to the cabin and shouted a thick voice:

- You detushki!
You kozlyatushki!
Open ye!
Your mother came
Milk brought.
Просмотров: 451 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Wolf and kids

Once there was a goat with kids. Goat went to the forest to eat grass silk, drinking ice cold water. Once gone - kozlyatki cabin and locked up themselves will not come out.

GATES goat, knocking on the door and sing:

- Kozlyatushki, boys!
Unlock, opened!
Your mother came - brought milk;
Milk runs on vymechku,
From vymechka on kopytechku,
Kopytechka of cheese in the ground!
Kozlyatki unlocked the door and let her mother. She feed them, and shall give again gone to the forest, goats forth one shall shut up tight, firmly.

Wolf overheard singing goat. Here again the goat was gone, the wolf ran to the cabin and shouted a thick voice:

- You detushki!
You kozlyatushki!
Open ye!
Your mother came
Milk brought.
Просмотров: 438 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012

Baba Yaga

(Russian folk tale)
Once upon a husband and wife, and they had a daughter. Ill wife died. Grieve, mourn and the man married another.

Disliked evil woman girl, beat her, scolded, just thinking how would be quite lime, destroy.

That's just my father went off somewhere, and the stepmother said the girl:

- Come to my sister, your aunt, ask her for a needle thread yes - you make a shirt.

And this was the aunt of Baba Yaga, bony leg. Girl did not dare refuse, and went away, but first went to his aunt.

- Hello, Auntie!

- Hello, dear! Why do you come?

- I sent my stepmother to his sister to ask a needle and thread - I want to make a shirt.

- Well, niece, you first came to me, - said the aunt. - Here's a ribbon, oil, meat loaf yes piece. You will be ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 552 | Добавил: admin | Дата: 27.11.2012