Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 27 » Do not like it - do not listen
Do not like it - do not listen
Do not like it - do not listen

(Russian folk tale)
Two brothers lived clever, and the third a fool. One day they went to the forest for firewood, and they wanted to have lunch there, they poured in a large pot, poured into water, and the fire is not present.

Was close to the bee house. That is the big brother and said:

- Enjoy me the fire to the bee house.

Comes in and says the old man,

- Grandpa, give me a spark.

And the grandfather says:

- Play a song before me.

- Yes I am, my grandfather, I can not.

- Well, poplyashi.

- I, the grandfather, not much.

- And not much, so you do not have, and fire!

And comes this big brother's fire to his brothers.

Here middle brother says

- What a you, brother! Do not bring us the fire! Yes, now I will go - and went.

He came to the bee house and yells

- Grandpa, perhaps my lights.

- Come on, light, play me a song!

- I can not.

- Well, tell me a story.

- Yes I am, my grandfather, did not know how.

Comes and the brother's fire to his brothers.

Fool looked at his brothers:

- Oh, you clever boys, you do not have the fire! - And he went.

Comes in and says:

- Grandpa, do not you have Got a light?

And the grandfather says:

- Poplyashi before!

- I can not.

- Well, tell me a story.

- That's because of my business, - said a fool and sat down on a still fence. - Yes, look - added fool - Sit down opposite to me, listen to, but do not interrupt.

Here the old man sat down across from him. Fool cleared his throat and began:

- Well, listen, my grandfather!

- Yes, the light!

- I had a Grandpa, pegonkaya horse, I'm on it You go into the woods to flog firewood. One day I was sitting on top of it, and I had an ax in his belt, a horse-runs - the trick, trick, and then her ax on the back - tap, tap, that's bob, bob, and cut off her ass. Well, look, Daddy?

- Yes, the light!

- Here I am on the front of this three years went, but then somehow accidentally saw the meadows back of my horse: he goes and nibbling grass. I got caught it and sewed to the front, stitched and even three years went. You listen, Daddy?

- Yes, the light!

- I went, went, I went into the woods and saw a tall oak here, it started to climb and climbed into the sky. That's where I saw that cheap bastard, but only mosquitoes flies road, picked up and dismounted, I catch flies and mosquitoes two sacks, loaded them on his back and climbed up again into heaven.

Folded sacks and began to distribute to people, I am a fly with Komarenko, and take with them to exchange a cow and a calf - and scored as many cattle as the estimates do not. So I drove the cattle, I drove to the place where vzlezal - enough: oak is felled. Here I prigoryunilsya and thinking how I get down from the sky, and even think to finally make a rope to the ground: it cut all my cattle, took a long belt and began to descend. That's going down, down, and did not have my seat height was Pobol your tent, grandfather, and was afraid to jump. You listen, Daddy?

- Yes, the light!

- Here is a man, to my happiness, all told oats: Half of it goes up, and so I grab the rope dangle. Suddenly a strong wind arose and began to swing me back and forth, then to Moscow, then to Peter, I looked up the rope of the sexes, and the wind brought me into the mire. All I have left in the mud, one head only remained, I want to climb out, but can not. On my head had built a duck's nest. That's lone wolf got into the habit to go to the swamp and eat eggs. I get pulled out of the slime out and grabbed the tail Biryukov - he stood beside me - jumped and shouted loudly: hm-ho-ho-ho! He pulled me out of the slime. You listen, Daddy?

- Yes, the light!

Sees the fool that point is bad: the whole story, and my grandfather kept his word, did not interrupt him, and began to fool other pobasku.

- My grandfather on horseback Ride your grandfather ...

- No, my Ride on your horse! - Interrupted the old man.

Fool that and happy, took fire, and came to his brothers.

Then they spread the fire, put the pot on the trivet with cereals and began to cook porridge.

When the porridge is cooked, and then the story will continue, but now all the while.
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