Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 27 » Lazy Arina
Lazy Arina
Lazy Arina

(Russian folk tale)
There once was a man, Ivan and wife Arina. He sent it in the rye harvest.

Arina came here on the strip, squeeze a spot, so you can one lie down, lay down, and slept horoshohonko went home, though, and really worked hard to work with.

- What's wife - her husband asks - how many of today squeezed?

- Thank you, God, one place squeezed.

"Well, that's good! - Thinking man. - One band, then committed suicide. "

Again the next day went Arina in the field, squeezed place and slept until the evening, and on the third day - the same thing, and the fourth - the same thing, so all week and provolochila.

It is time to think a man with the sheaves in the field of travel.

Comes - and rye is all luxuriate; here and there, here and there squeezed place, and even then, such that only the person to lie down. Became a wife to look, and saw that it lies in one place so yes snoring!

A man is now back home, grabbed scissors, returned to the stubble, the old woman and shaved bald, did it all and went back to the village.

Here Arina slept, slept, yes, finally, and woke up clutching his hand behind his head and said to herself:

- Quite often lose something popritchilos! I believe, I - Arina and not my head! Go home: if the dog barks, so I mean - not Arina.

Came to the village directly to his hut by the window and asks:

- What, Arina your home?

Smeknul husband said to her:

- At home!

Then climbed out from under the gate dog, has not recognized the hostess and gave her as if on another, so the skirts and short supply. Arina run so run, as it were, the living away from home!

And she went to roam the field. A man had compassion, forgave her, and from that time was Arina reap unsophisticated.
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