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Petrified kingdom
Petrified kingdom

(Russian folk tale)
In a certain kingdom, in a country, there lived a soldier, he was a long and impeccable service are well known, at the review, the scientists have to clean and serviceable. Was the last year dosluzhivat - as in trouble, took a dislike to his superiors, not only the big, and small: and then sticks a rap.

Hard to become a soldier, and he planned to run during a satchel over his shoulder, his gun on his shoulder and began to say goodbye to his friends, and they asked him:

- Where are you going? Al battalion requires?

- Do not ask me, boys! Tighten-ka pack tighter so do not remember evil against me!

And he went, my good fellow, aimlessly.

Much or how little there was - was in another country, saw time and asks:

- You can not see where to stop and rest?

Local said corporal, corporal - the officer, the officer - General, General reported to the king himself. The king ordered to call serviceman before his bright eyes.

Here was a soldier - as it should, in the form, made his gun on the guard and was dead. King said to him:

- Tell me honestly, how and where are you going?

- Your Royal Highness, do not tell them to execute, tell utter a word.

Confessed everything to the king according to conscience and began to ask for service.

- Well, - said the king, - Recruitment watch my garden. I now have a garden unfavorable - someone breaks my favorite trees - so you try, defended it, and for the work I will give you to pay a lot.

The soldier agreed, was in the garden to keep guard.

Year and two serves - all at it properly, and that's the third year at the end, he went one day to look around and see the garden, half that neither is the best trees broken.

"My God! - Thinks to himself. - That's what evil befall! As noted by this king, now tells me to grab and hang. "

Took his gun in hand, leaned against a tree and tightly thoughtful.

Suddenly there was a crashing and noise woke my good fellow, looking - arrived in a huge garden, a terrible bird, well down trees! A soldier shot her with a gun, kill killed, but only wounded her in the right wing, dropped out of the three wings of the pen, and the bird itself along the ground started up their heels. The soldier - her. The legs of a bird fast, ran to skorehonko provalischa and disappeared from view.

The soldier was not afraid, and ran after her at the provalische: fell into a deep, deep abyss, all the suburbs of the liver and the whole day lying unconscious.

After collected himself, stood up, looked around. What? - And under the ground is the same light.

"So - I think - and there are people here!"

He walked and walked - in front of it a large city, the sentries at the gate, in her time, was to ask him - hour silent, not moving, took his hand - and he was absolutely stone!

Soldiers went to the guard. A lot of people - and stand and sit - just all petrified and let wander the streets - everywhere the same: there is no living soul of man, all as a stone! That's palace - painted, engraved. March there, looks - rich room on tables snacks and drinks all sorts, and all around quiet and empty.

The soldier bit, drank, got a rest, and heard it, as if someone pulled up to the front door, he grabbed his gun and stood at the door.

Enters the chamber with a beautiful princess nurse, the nurse. The soldier saluted her, and she told him gently bowed.

- Hello, soldier! Tell me - he says - what brings you here?

Soldiers began to tell:

- I was hoping de guard the king's garden, and got into the habit where a large bird fly so trees breaking. So I lay in wait for her, fired a gun at her and knocked out three of the wing feathers, rushed her to the chase and ended up here.

- The bird - a sister to me, it creates a lot of all evil and misfortune was sent by my kingdom - all my people hardened.

Hear: here's a book, become here and read it in the evening as long as the cock sing. Whatever your passion may be, you know your - read the book but keep it tight, so as not to tear it out, not that you will not be alive! If you stand for three nights, we'll marry you.

- All right! - Said the soldier.

Only the dark, he took the book and started reading.

Sudden pounding, thundered - was the palace of the whole army, the soldier approached his former bosses and scold him for running away and threatened with death; here too gun charge, take aim. But the soldier does not look at it, a book out of the hands does not produce, know yourself reading.

Cried cocks - all perished at once!

The next night it was terrible, and the third and the Forest: executioners ran with saws, axes, hammers, want to crush his bones, tendons pull on the fire burn it, and themselves only, and think like a book from the hands to grab. Such passions were that soldiers barely survived.

The cock crowed - and obsession perished!

In the same hour the whole kingdom come to life on the streets and in the homes of people bustled about the palace was a princess with the generals, with his retinue, and became blagodarstvovat soldier and called him their sovereign.

The next day he got married to a beautiful princess, and lived with her in love and joy.
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