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Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf
Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf

(Russian folk tale)
There once was a king Behrend, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And he was the king of a great garden, grown in the garden apple tree with golden apples.

Became the king's garden, visit someone, to steal the golden apples. The king was sorry for his garden. He sent back the guards. None of the guards can not keep track pohitnika.

King and stopped eating and drinking, homesick. Sons father console:

-? Our dear father, do not worry, we ourselves become garden watch.

The eldest son said:

-? Now it's my turn, I'm going to guard the garden from pohitnika.

Went to the eldest son. How many have walked in the evening, one can not keep track, fell on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asked him:

-? Well, not if obraduesh me: Have you not seen pohitnika?

- No, my dear sir, all night, did not close his eyes, and saw no one.

The next night the middle son went to watch and also slept through the night and in the morning said he had not seen pohitnika.

It was time to go watch his younger brother. Prince Ivan went to watch fathers garden and even afraid to sit down, let alone lie down. As his dream zadolit He Feeds On the dew from the grass, sleeping and away from the eyes.

Half the night had passed, and he fancies: garden light. Lighter and lighter. The whole garden lit. He sees - the apple tree village Firebird and pecks golden apples.

Prince Ivan crept quietly to the apple tree and caught a bird's tail. Firebird started and flew away, remained in his hand one feather from its tail.

The next morning comes, Prince Ivan to his father.

-? Well, my dear Ivan, do you not see pohitnika?

-? Dear sir, catch caught and trace who was ruining our garden. But from pohitnika memory you brought. This, my friend, Firebird.

King took that pen and since then began to drink and eat, and sorrow did not know. That's one fine day he changed his mind about this, and about the Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:

-? My dear children, you saddled good horses, the train would be in the wide world, a place to learn, to not be attacked where Firebird.

Children father bowed, saddled good horses, and went on their way: the senior one-way, medium to another, and Prince Ivan to a third party.

Prince Ivan rode long or a short. The day was a year old. Busy Prince Ivan dismounted, confused him, and he fell off to sleep.

Much or how little time it took, awoke Prince Ivan sees - the horse does not. I went to look for him, and walked and walked and found his horse - only bones picked clean.

Zapechalilsya Ivan Tsarevich: where no horse to go all the way?

"Well, the - I think - have - to do nothing."

And he went on foot.

He walked and walked, tired to smertochki.

He sat on the soft grass and prigoryunilsya sitting.

From nowhere, running towards him gray wolf

- What, Prince Ivan, sit prigoryunilsya, hung his head?

- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.

-? It's me, Prince Ivan, your horse has eaten ... I feel sorry for you! Tell me, what went into the distance, where are you going?

-? I sent my father to ride through the world, to find the Firebird.

-? Fu, Fu, you're on his good horse in three years did not get to the Firebird. I alone know where she lives. So be it - your horse has eaten, I will serve you, true faith. Sit on me so hold on tight.

Prince Ivan sat down on his back, the gray wolf and galloped - blue eye skips past the forest, lakes tail sweeps. Long or a short, they run up to a high fortress. Gray wolf and says

-? Listen to me, Prince Ivan, remember: climb over the wall, do not worry - a good time, all the guards are asleep. You'll see a window in the mansion, on the box is a golden cage, and the cage sits Firebird. You take the bird, put in his bosom, but watch cells do not touch!

Prince Ivan climbed over the wall and saw this tower - on the box is a golden cage, the cage sits Firebird. He took the bird, put in his bosom, but staring at the cage. And his heart was burning, "Oh, what - gold, precious! As such do not take! "And forget that the wolf he chastised. Only touched the cell, went to the fortress sound: the pipe sounded, the drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich, and brought him to the king Afron.

Afron king was angry and asked:

-? Whose are you from?

-? I Berendey king's son, Prince Ivan.

-? Oh, what a shame! But the king's son went to steal.

-? But what about when your bird flew, ruined our garden?

-? Would you come to me, honestly asked, I would have given her so out of respect for your parent, king Behrend. Now, in every city not a good fame comin about you ... Anyway, have rendered me a service, I'll forgive you. In such and such a kingdom of the king has a horse Kusman Goldrinn. Bring him to me, then I will give you the Firebird with the cell.

Zagoryunilsya Prince Ivan goes to the gray wolf. The wolf him

-? I told you, do not move the cage! Why not listen to my mandate?

-? Well, can you forgive me, forgive me, the gray wolf.

-?-So, sorry ... Okay, get at me. Picked up a penny, in for a pound.

Again rode a gray wolf with Ivan Tsarevich. Whether long, they run up to the castle, where there is a horse Goldrinn.

-? Climb, Prince Ivan, the wall, the guards are asleep, go to the stables, take a horse, but do not touch the bridle look!

Prince Ivan climbed into the castle, where all guards are asleep, went to the stables, horse caught Goldrinn, yes eye on the bridle - the gold, precious stones removed, it Goldrinn horse just walking.

Prince Ivan touched the bridle and went sound throughout fortress pipes sounded, the drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich, and led to the king Kusmanu.

-? Whose are you from?

-? I Ivan Tsarevich.

-? Eka for what stupidity took - to steal a horse! On a simple man does not agree. Well, I will forgive you, Prince Ivan, if served me a service. The king has a daughter Dalmata Helen. Pohit it, bring me give you Goldrinn horse with bridle.

Even louder prigoryunilsya Prince Ivan went to the gray wolf.

-? I told you, Prince Ivan, do not touch the bridle! Do not you listen to my punishment.

-? Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

-?-So, sorry ... Yeah, okay, get on my back.

Again rode a gray wolf with Ivan Tsarevich. They run up to the king of Dalmatia. In his castle in the garden walks with Helen Mammy, Nanny. Gray Wolf says:

-? This time I will not let himself go. And you go back through, dear, I'll soon surge.

Ivan - Prince went back through-road, and the gray wolf jumped over the wall - but the garden. Sat down behind a bush and looks: Helen went with his Mammy, Nanny. Walked, and walked only priotstala from mamushek and nannies, gray wolf grabbed Elena the Fair, slung over his back - and flee.

Prince Ivan comes through-road, suddenly overtakes him gray wolf, it sits Helen. Glad Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf to him:

-? Get on me quickly, as if chasing after us were not.

Dashed gray wolf with Ivan Tsarevich, Elena the Fair way back - blue eye skips past the forest, rivers, lakes tail sweeps. Long or a short, they run up to the king Kusman. Grey Wolf asks:

- What, Prince Ivan, priumolk, prigoryunilsya?

- Yes how can I, gray wolf, not sad? As part with such beauty? As Elena the Fair horse will change?

Gray Wolf says:

-? I'll do part with such beauty - hide it somewhere, and I turn around Elena the Fair, you and lead me to the king.

There they hid in the Beautiful Helen forest hut. Gray wolf rolled over his head, and was a hair's breadth Elena the Fair. Ivan took him to the king, Prince Kusmanu. The king was delighted, it was due to:

-? Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, that got me a bride. Enjoy Goldrinn horse with bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich sat on the horse and rode for Elena the Fair. Took it, sat on the horse, and they go through-road.

The king gave Kusman wedding feast all day until the evening, and how he had to go to bed, he led the Beautiful Helen's bedroom, but just lay her on the bed, looking - cleft face instead of his young wife! King of fear fell off the bed, and the wolf fled away.

Catching gray wolf Prince Ivan and asks

-? What are you thinking, Prince Ivan?

- How can I not think that? Sorry to part with such a treasure - a horse Goldrinn, change it to the Firebird.

-? Do not worry, I'll help you.

Here they get off to the king Afron. Wolf and says:

-? That horse and Elena the Fair you hide, and I turn around Goldrinn horse, you do, and lead to the king Afron.

They hid Elena the Fair and Goldrinn horse in the forest. Gray wolf spread across the back, turned Goldrinn horse. Ivan Tsarevich took him to the king Afron. The king was overjoyed and gave him the Firebird with a golden cage.

Prince Ivan came walking into the forest, planted on Elena the Fair Goldrinn horse, took a golden cage with the Firebird and drove through the road-side to their home.

And the king commanded Afron sum of donation to his horse and just wanted to sit on it - the horse turned gray wolf. King of fear where he stood there and fell, and the gray wolf ran away, and soon caught up with Ivan Tsarevich.

-? Now goodbye, I can not go further.

Prince Ivan dismounted and bowed three times to the ground, respectfully thanked the gray wolf. And he says:

-? Do not ever say goodbye to me, I'm still of use to you.

Prince Ivan is thinking, "Where have you come in handy? All my desire is fulfilled. " Goldrinn sat on the horse, and they went back to Elena the Beautiful with the Firebird. He drove up to their edges, occurred to him popoldnevat. He had with him a little bread. Well, they ate, drank spring water and lay down to rest.

Only Prince Ivan went to sleep bump on him by his brothers. They went to other lands, looking for the Firebird, returned empty-handed. Traversed and see - Ivan Tsarevich all produced. So they conspired:

-? Let's kill his brother, the whole production will be ours.

Decided and killed Ivan Tsarevich. Goldrinn sat on his horse, took the Firebird, was put on a horse and the Beautiful Helen frightened her:

-? House no man anything!

Prince Ivan lies dead on it already crows fly. From nowhere, he ran and grabbed the gray wolf raven crow.

-? You fly a minute, the raven, for the living and dead water. Bring me alive and dead water, then let go of your crow.

Raven, do nothing, flew, and the wolf keeps him crow. How long will the raven flew briefly whether he brought alive and dead water. Grey Wolf sprinkled dead water wounds Ivan Tsarevich, the wounds have healed, he sprinkled the water of life - Prince Ivan came to life.

-? Oh, I slept soundly!.

-? Firmly you slept - said the gray wolf. - If it were not for me, not quite awake. Siblings killed you and all thy prey taken. Sit on me quickly

They rode off in pursuit and overtook the two brothers. Then they tore the gray wolf and the pieces scattered on the field.

Prince Ivan bowed gray wolf and left him forever.

Prince Ivan returned home on horseback Goldrinn, brought his father, the Firebird, and myself - the bride, Elena the Fair. Berendey king rejoiced son was asking. Was Ivan Tsarevich tell how to help him get the gray wolf prey, but as brothers killed him sleepy, but as the gray wolf devoured them.

Berendey king mourned and soon consoled. A Prince Ivan married Elena the Beautiful, and they lived happily ever after, but grief did not know.

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