Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 27 » Flying Ship
Flying Ship
Flying Ship

(Russian folk tale)
Once upon a time an old man so old. They had three sons - two senior reputed wiseacres, and younger all the dumb name. Senior old woman loved - wore clean, fed delicious. A junior in holey shirt walked, black crust chewed.

- He, fool, still he did not understand anything, do not understand!

Then one day came to the village of the news that the king who builds a ship to go and on the seas and the clouds flew, - for that king will give his daughter.

We decided to try his luck older brothers.

- Let us go, my father and mother! Perhaps kotoryy-nibud of us will be the king's son in law!

Mother sent the older sons, baked them in the way of white cakes, fry chicken-Navarro yes goose:

- Go on, son!

Brothers went into the forest, the trees were cut down so the cut. Lots of chopped-to saw. And what do you do - do not know. They began to argue with swearing, that and look at each other's hair clutched.

He came up here to the old man and asked him:

- Because of what you have, well done, the dispute but swearing? Maybe, I have a word to say for the benefit?

Two brothers attacked by an old man - he did not listen, bad words and cursed drove away. Retired old man. Brothers quarreled more, ate all their supplies, that his mother gave him, and returned home with nothing ...

As they came, they began to pray, Jr.:

- Let go of me now!

Became mother and father to dissuade him but hold:

- Where are you, some bad, - you are on the way wolves eat!

And know your fool repeats:

- Let go - go, and do not let go - go!

See the mother and the father - does not cope with it. They gave him the road black hunk of dry bread and shoved him out of the house.

Fool took an ax and went to the forest. Walked-walked through the woods and spotted the tall pines: the tip of the clouds this pine rests, embrace her fit only three.

He cut down a pine tree, was it from the twigs to clear. An old man came up to him.

- Hi, - he says - my child!

- Hi, Grandpa!

- What is it, my child, you do what is the big tree cut down?

- But, my grandfather, the king promised to give his daughter to him who builds his flying ship, and I order.

- And unless you can make such a ship? This is a tricky thing, perhaps, and not sweet.

- Abstruse not very sophisticated, but it is necessary to try: see, and sweeter! That's the way you came: old people experienced, knowledgeable. Maybe you and me that prisovetuesh.

The old man said:

- Well, if you're asking council tax, listen: you take a minute and his ax oteshi this pine sides: here that way!

He showed how to broach.

Obeyed fool old man - hewn pine as he showed. Hews he diva given the ax because he and walks, and walks!

- Now, - said the old man, - arrange pine meet: here and here's that way!

Fool starichkovy words go in one ear does not pass: as the old man shows how he's doing.

He finished the work, the old man praised him and said:

- Well, now is not a sin but a snack break a little.

- Oh, my grandfather - said fool - for me, the food is there, that's the stale loaf. And you, then how to treat? I bet you're not ugryzesh my treat?

- Come, my child, - said the old man, - Give me your loaf!

Fool gave him a loaf. The old man picked it up, looked, felt and said:

- Not such a stale loaf of yours!

And he gave her bad. Took a fool loaf - my eyes could not believe Hunk turned into a soft white loaf yes.

As they ate, the old man and said:

- Well, now let us sail fit!

And took from his pocket a piece of canvas.

The old man shows fool tries to conscience is doing - and are ready to sail, carries his.

- Sit down now in your ship, - said the old man - and fly, where do you want. Yes, look, I remember my mandate: on the way to plant in your ship any counter!

Then they parted. The old man went on his way, and the fool on the flying ship sat sail squared. Swelled the sails, the ship soared into the sky, flew faster falcon. Flying just below the clouds, walking, standing just above the forest ...

Flying-flying fool, and saw a man lying in the road - ear to the damp earth fell. He came down and said:

- Hello, Uncle!

- Wow, well done!

- What are you doing?

- I listened to that at the end of the world is done.

- What do they do, uncle?

- Sing-filled vociferous birds there, the other one is better!

- What a, what a sluhmenny! Sit on my ship, fly together.

Sluhay not become discouraged, boarded the ship, and they flew on.

Flew, flew, see - by the way of a man is on one leg while the other leg is attached to the ear.

- Hello, Uncle!

- Wow, well done!

- What are you leap on one leg?

- Yes If I untie the other foot, so in three steps pereshagnu whole world!

- That's what you're fast! Sit down with us.

Runner did not give up, climbed up to the ship, and they flew on.

Much or how little you have flown, looking - is a man with a gun, aim. And in what aims - know.

- Hello, Uncle! With whom are you tselishsya - neither beast nor bird circle is not visible.

- Ekie you! But I'm not going to shoot close. Tselyus I hen, which sits on a tree for a thousand miles away. Here's a shooting at me.

- Sit down with us, fly together!

He sat down and shoot, and they flew on.

They were flying, flying and see: a man carries on his back a great big bag of bread.

- Hello, Uncle! Where are you going?

- I'm going to produce bread for dinner.

- What do you want more bread? You and so full of the bag!

- What is there! This bread is put in my mouth but swallowed. And to eat their fill, I need a hundred times as much!

- Oh, you are! Sit down to us in the ship, fly together.

He sat down, and consume the ship, they flew on.

Fly over the forest, flying over the fields, over rivers flying over villages but villages fly.

Lo and behold: a man walks near a large lake, shakes his head.

- Hello, Uncle! What are you looking for?

- I'm thirsty, and that's looking for, which would drink.

- Yes, in front of you the whole lake. Drink at your leisure!

- Yes, this water to me for just one sip will.

Marveled fool, astonished his companions and said:

- Well, do not worry, you will find water. Sit down with us on the ship, fly away, it will be for you a lot of water!

Opivalo sat in the ship, and they flew on.

How many flying - is not known, just see: a man in the woods, and behind him fagot.

- Hello, Uncle! You tell us, why are you dragging firewood in the forest?

- And this is not a simple wood. Coley throw it, a whole army immediately appear.

- Sit down, my uncle, with us!

And it got to them. They flew on.

Flew, flew, lo and behold: there is an old man, is the straw sack.

- It's great grandfather, gray head! Where are you talking about the straw?

- In the village.

- And is in the village of little straw?

- A lot of straw, and a no.

- What is it with you?

- And here's what: if I throw it in the hot summer - and it becomes at once cold: snow fall, frost crackling.

- If so, your righteousness: in the village of straw so you will not find. Sit down with us!

Kholodov climbed with his sack in the ship, and they flew on.

Flew, flew and flew to the royal court.

The king at the time was sitting at dinner. He saw a flying ship and sent his servants:

- Go ask: who is on that ship arrived - which overseas the princes and the king's son?

The servants rushed to the ship and see - sitting on the ship just men.

Not become servants of the king and ask them: Who and where are flown. Gate and reported to the king,

- That's right! Out of the ship no prince, no prince, and all the black bone - the men are simple. What you command them to do?

"For the simple peasant's daughter to give us a disgrace - thinks the king. - One must get rid of these suitors. "

He asked his courtiers - Princes yes boyars:

- What do we do now, what to do?

They have advised:

- Should the groom ask different challenges, maybe he does not unravel. Then we turned down it and show you!

Delighted the king, he immediately sent a servant to the base with the order:

- Let the bridegroom would get us when our royal dinner is not over, living and dead water!

Pondered fool:

- What am I going to do now? But I'm a year, and can be, and all his life will not find such water.

- And I'm on that? - Says Skorokhod. - In a flash of you can handle it.

He untied the leg and ran from ear to distant lands in fairy kingdom. Scored two jugs of water of life and death, and he thinks "a lot of time in front of left, let me sit a little - have time to go back in time!"

Crouched under the thick branchy oak, and dozed off ...

Royal dinner comes to an end, and there is no Skorokhod.

Zagorevali flying ship at all - do not know what to do. A sluhay listened intently to the damp earth, listened, and said:

- What a sleepy dremlivy yes! Sleeping under his tree, snoring vengeance!

- But I have just wake up! - Says the gunman.

He grabbed his gun, took aim and fired at the oak under which the Skorokhod asleep. Showered with oak acorns - right on the head Skorokhod. Woke up one.

- Good heavens, yes, no, I fell asleep!

He jumped up, and at that moment brought pitchers of water:

- Take this!

The king rose from his desk and looked at the pitchers and said:

- Maybe, this water is not real?

Caught cock tore his head and sprinkled dead water. Head suddenly rooted. Sprinkled the water of life - cock sprang to his feet, clapped his wings, "Ku-Ka-river!" Screamed.

Vexed the king.

- Well, - he says bad things, - that you have fulfilled my task. Now ask another! Number you so clever, eat with their matchmakers in one sitting twelve oxen roasted so much bread, but in forty ovens baked!

Sad fool says to his companions:

- Yes, I for one loaf a day will not eat!

- And I'm on that? - Says overeat. - I and the bulls and the bread of their one driving. Yet little is!

Told fool to say to the king,

- Bring bulls and breads. We will eat!

Brought twelve oxen roasted so much bread, but in forty ovens baked.

Let's eat overeat bulls - one after another. And so the bread into his mouth and throws a loaf of loaf. All carts are empty.

- Let's! - Shouts overeat. - Why are not in store? I just came to talk!

And the king any more bulls or no bread.

- Now - he says - the new order you: to be drunk at a time forty barrels of beer, each barrel of forty buckets.

- Yes, I do not drink a bucket - says fool his matchmakers.

- Eka grief! - Responsible Opivalo. - Yes, I'm the one they all drink beer, little will be!

Rolled-sorokovok forty barrels. They began to draw beer buckets serve Opivale yes. He's like glotnet - a bucket and empty.

- What's that you hold me in buckets? - Says Opivalo. - What a day we prokanitelimsya!

He raised the barrel and even emptied her at once, without rozdyhu. Raised another barrel - and the empty retreated. So all forty barrels and emptied.

- Is there - asks, still pivtsa? I drank plenty not! Do not wet my throat!

Sees the king does not take fool. Decided to destroy the craft.

- Well, - he says - I'll give you for my daughter, get ready for the crown! Just before the wedding, take a sauna, vymoysya-evaporate properly.

And he commanded the heat bath.

A room-it was all cast iron.

Three days of heated bath, hot hot. Fire, heat radiates from her, for five yards to it does not come up.

- How will wash? - Says the fool. - Will be burnt alive.

- Do not worry - responsible cold. - I'm coming with you!

He ran to the king and asked:

- Is not allowed if the groom and I go to the bath? I gave him straw podstelil that it is not dirty your heels!

King of what? He permitted the "That one burned up, that both of them!"

Led goofball with refrigerators in the bath, locked there.

And a cold bath in scattered straw - and too cold wall was covered in frost, in cast iron water froze.

How many time has passed, the servant opened the door. Look, and fool alive and well, and the old man, too.

- Oh, you - fool says - yes in your bath, do not bathe, but perhaps on a sled ride!

Servant ran to the king. Reported: So, they say, and so. Thrashed the king does not know what to do, how to get rid of a bad.

Thought and thought, and told him:

- Set in the morning in front of my palace, a regiment of soldiers. Set - I'll give you a daughter. Do not set - will cast out!

And most on his mind: "How simple peasant army to get? Oh, he will not be able to perform. This is where we and throw in the neck! "

Heard fool royal decree - tells his Swat

- You have to help out, friends, out of trouble more than once or twice ... And now what shall we do?

- Oh, you found what grief! - Said the old man with brushwood. - Yes, I even seven regiments of the generals will set! Go to the king, for example - will be his army!

Fool came to the king.

- Run - he says - your order, just one last time. If excuses will - over the foam!

Early in the morning the old man called to fool with brushwood and went with him to the field. He scattered the bundle, and there was a countless army - and foot and horse, and with guns. Trumpeters blew the trumpets, drummers beat their drums, the generals command fed the horses hooves hitting the ground ...

Fool was ahead, to the royal court led army. He stopped in front of the palace, ordered the trumpets to sound louder, harder to beat the drums.

Heard the king, looked out the window of the web has become more white fright. He ordered his army to withdraw the magistrates, the bad war going.

Governor brought the royal army, were in a bad shot so shoot. A wall Durneva soldiers go, the royal army crumple like grass. Frightened by the governor, and ran back, followed after, and all the royal army.

King got out of the palace, on his knees before crawling fool, asked to take expensive gifts but rather with the princess to get married.

Fool said to the king,

- Now you do not ukazchik us! We have the mind is!

He chased away the king and told never to return to the kingdom. And he married the princess.

- Princess - a young girl so good. It is not no crime!

And he began to live in the kingdom, all sorts of things to administer.

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