Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 27 » FINIST - the Falcon
FINIST - the Falcon
FINIST - the Falcon

There lived a farmer. Died in his wife, left three daughters. The old man wanted to hire a worker - to help the economy. But the smaller daughter Maryushka, said:

- No, sir, hire worker itself, I'll keep farming.

Okay. Daughter became Maryushka farm news. All the while she can, all the while she got on. Father loved Maryushka: glad that such a clever but hard-working daughter grows. Of itself, it Maryushka beauty of Scripture. And her sister zaviduschie zhadnyuschie yes, of themselves, they are ugly, and the ladies-peremodnitsy - all day sitting belyatsya yes, but ruddy, so dress up in new clothes, dress them - not dress, boots - no boots, a scarf - not scarf.

Father went to the market and asks daughters:

- What are you, daughter, to buy than to please?

And they say the older and middle daughter:

- Buy at shawl, but such that the flowers larger, gold-painted.

And yes Maryushka is silent. Asks her father:

- What do you, my daughter, to buy?

- Buy me, father, feather Finist - clear falcon.

Father arrives, brings daughters shawl and a feather is not found.

Father went another time to market.

- Well, - he says - a daughter, order gifts.

Rejoiced senior and middle daughter:

- Buy us boots with silver horseshoes.

And again Maryushka orders;

- Buy me, father, feather Finist - clear falcon.

Father walked all day, bought boots and a feather is not found. Arrived without a feather.

Okay. The old man went for the third time to the market, and the older and middle daughter said:

- Buy us dress.

A Maryushka again asks;

- Father, buy feather Finist - clear falcon.

Father walked all day, and have not found a feather. Out of town and met an old old man:

- It's great grandfather!

- Hello, darling! Where are you, the way you hold?

- By itself, a grandfather in the village. Yes, that's my grief: the smaller daughter punished buy feather Finist - Falcon clear, and I have not found.

- I have a feather, but it is cherished, but a good man, all right, I give.

Grandpa pulled out a feather and delivers, and it is the most ordinary. Farmer goes and thinks, "What's in it Maryushka found good?"

The old man brought gifts daughters, the eldest, and the average dress but over Maryushka laugh:

- How did you fool, so it is. Wearing a feather in his hair, so beautiful!

Maryushka said nothing, walked away, and when sleep se perished, threw Maryushka feather on the floor and said:

- Courtesy Finist - the Falcon, appear to me, welcome to drop my fiance!

And was it done indescribable beauty. By morning the young man hit the floor and there was a falcon. Open him Maryushka window and flew to the blue sky hawk.

Three days Maryushka to his fellow Full Tilt, the day he flies a falcon on blue skies, and by nightfall arrives to Maryushka and done good fellow.

On the fourth day, the evil sister noticed - uttered by his father's sister.

- Lovely Daughter - says father - look better for you!

"Well, - I think sisters - let's see what will happen next."

They ran across the frame of sharp knives, and hid themselves, look. Here flies the Falcon. Reached the window and can not get into the room Maryushka. Fought, fought, the entire chest slashed and Maryushka asleep and did not hear. Then said the Falcon:

- Who needs me, he will find me. But it will not be easy. Then find me, when three railroads shoe wear, three staves of broken iron, three iron caps tear.

Heard this Maryushka, jumped out of bed, looked out the window, and the falcon not, and only a trail of blood on the window left. Maryushka wept bitter tears - tears washed the blood trail and became even more beautiful.

She went to her father and said:

- Do not scold me, sir, let me go on their way later on. Alive will be - we meet again, I die - so know destined.

Sorry for my father to let his beloved daughter, but let him go.

Maryushka ordered three shoes of iron, three iron staffs, three iron caps and went on their way far to seek the coveted Finist - clear falcon. It was clear the field, there was a dark forest, high mountains. Birds cheerful songs gladdened her heart and rivulets of white face wash, dark forests Full Tilt. No one could touch Maryushka, gray wolves, bears, foxes - all the animals came running to her. Depreciation is the iron boots, the staff broken and the iron bell iron broke.

And here comes Maryushka a clearing and saw stands hut on chicken legs - spinning. Maryushka says:

- Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, forest, ass, to me before! I'm in love with you climb, eat bread.

Turned his back to the forest hut to Maryushka guard. Maryushka went into the hut and saw sitting there Baba Yaga - leg bone, leg and down the room, her lips on the bed, and the nose to the ceiling rooted.

I saw Baba Yaga Maryushka, rustled:

- Ugh, ugh, Russian spirit smells! Red girl, it is trying to cause al Lytaev?

- Wanted, Grandma, Finist-clear falcon.

- Oh beautiful, you look for a long time! Your Bright Falcon far away, in tridevyatom state. Opoila his potion queen fairy and zhenila myself. But I'll help you. Here's a silver saucer and golden egg. When you come into the kingdom of Far Far Away, hire a worker to the queen. Having finished the work - take a saucer, put the golden egg, it shall ride. Will buy - not sell. Asks Finist - is clear to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and went. Darkened forest, Maryushka scared, afraid and step on and met a cat. Jumped to Maryushka and purred:

- Do not worry, Maryushka, go ahead. It would be even worse, and you go and go and not look back.

Rubbed the cat back and was such a Maryushka went on. The forest was still dark.

There was, there was Maryushka, iron shoes wear, stick broke, broke cover and came to the hut on chicken legs. Around the fence, on the stakes skull, skull and each burn.

Maryushka says:

- Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, forest, ass, to me before! I'm in love with you climb, eat bread.

Turned his back to the forest hut to Maryushka guard. Maryushka went into the hut and saw sitting there Baba Yaga - leg bone, leg and down the room, her lips on the bed, and the nose to the ceiling rooted.

I saw Baba Yaga Maryushka, rustled:

- Ugh, ugh, Russian spirit smells! Red girl, it is trying to cause al Lytaev?

- Wanted, Grandma, Finist - clear falcon.

- And my sister was?

- There was, Grandma.

- Okay, beauty, will help you. Take silver hoops, a gold needle. Needle itself will embroider with gold and silver on crimson velvet. Will buy - not sell. Asks Finist - is clear to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and went. And in the woods tapping, thunder, whistle, skull forest cover. Scared Maryushka. Lo and behold, the dog runs:

- AB, AB, Maryushka, do not worry, dear, go. It will be even worse, do not look back.

Said, and was as follows. Maryushka gone and the forest became darker. It touches the feet, the sleeves have enough ... Maryushka goes, goes back and do not look back.

Long or a short was - shoes iron wear, the staff has broken iron, cap iron broke. Came to a clearing, and in the clearing hut on chicken legs, around the fence, and the stakes horse skulls, each skull burn.

Maryushka says:

- Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, back to the forest, and to me before!

Turned his back to the forest hut, and to Maryushka guard. Maryushka went into the hut and saw sitting Baba Yaga - leg bone, leg and down the room, her lips on the bed, and the nose to the ceiling rooted. She is black and one canine mouth sticks.

I saw Baba Yaga Maryushka, rustled:

- Ugh, ugh, Russian spirit smells! Red girl, it tries to Al from the case tried?

- Wanted, Grandma, Finist - clear falcon.

- It is difficult, the beauty, you will find it, so I'll help. Here's a silver collum, gold veretentse. Take in hand, spun itself will be stretched string is not simple, and gold.

- Thank you, Grandma.

- Okay, thank you, after you say, now look, that I will punish you: will gold veretentse buy - do not sell it, and asks Finist - is clear to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and went, and the forest rustled, boomed: the whistle went, owls circled, mice of normal povylezli da everything on Maryushka. DIT and video Maryushka - runs toward the gray wolf.

- Do not worry - he says - and sit down with me and do not look back.

Maryushka village on the gray wolf, and only her and saw. Ahead broad steppes, meadows, velvet, honey rivers, beaches and honey, the mountains in the clouds rests. A Maryushka skips and jumps. And before Maryushka crystal tower. Carved porch, small window patterned, and the queen of the window looks.

- Well, - said the wolf - get down, Maryushka, go and hire a maid.

Maryushka dismounted, took the bundle and thanked the wolf and went to the Crystal Palace. Maryushka queen bowed and said:

- I do not know how to call you as dignify, not whether you want to be an employee?

Meets the Queen:

I'm looking for a long time worker, but one that could spin, weave, embroider.

- All that I can do.

- Then Come in and sit down to work.

And was Maryushka worker. Working day and night falls - will Maryushka silver saucer golden egg and says:

- Whip It, Whip It, a golden egg, on a silver platter, show me my dear.

Egg roll on a silver platter, and brought Finist - the Falcon. Looks at him and tears poured Maryushka:

- Finist my Finist - the Falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, about you cry!

Overheard her words and the queen says:

- Sell you me, Maryushka, silver saucer and golden egg.

- No, - said Maryushka - they unbribable. Can I give them to you if you let on Finist - Falcon clear look.

Thought the queen thought.

- Well, - he says - so be it. At night, he falls asleep, I'll show you.

Night came, and goes into the bedroom to Maryushka Finist - yasnu falcon. Sees it - sleeping her heart each wakeless sleep. Looks Maryushka not see enough to kiss in the mouth sugar, pressed to his chest white - sleeping is awakened heart friend.

Morning came, and Maryushka not eat our beloved ...

Maryushka worked all day and in the evening took the silver hoop da gold needle. Sits embroiders itself says:

- Embroider, embroidery, pattern, for Finist - clear falcon. It would be in the morning than he wipes.

Overheard the queen, and said:

- Sell, Maryushka, silver hoops, a gold needle.

- I'm not selling - said Maryushka - and so will I, allow only Finist - clear hawk witnesses.

I thought that, I thought.

- Well, - he says - so be it, come back at night.

Night fell. Included in Maryushka spalenke to Finist - yasnu falcon, and he sleeps wakeless sleep.

- Finist's sake, the Falcon, get up, wake up!

Sleeps Finist - the Falcon soundly. Maryushka wake him - do not eat our.

There comes a day.

Maryushka sitting at work, takes a collum silver, gold veretentse. And saw the queen, Sell Sell yes!

- Education is not selling as well as I can and give it up, if you let a Finist - clear hawk to stay at least an hour.

- Well, - she said.

And she thinks: "I still do not wake up."

It was night. Enters the bedroom to Maryushka Finist - yasnu falcon, and he sleeps wakeless sleep.

- Finist you mine - the Falcon, arise, awake!

Finist sleeps, does not wake up.

Wake, wake - can not eat our, and the dawn is near.

Cried Maryushka:

- You are my dear Finist - Bright Falcon, arise, awake, on Maryushka his look, to mind her Squeeze!

Maryushkina tear fell on her bare shoulder Finist - Falcon clear and burned. Woke Finist - the Falcon, looked around and saw Maryushka. Hugged her, kissed her:

- Is that you, Maryushka! Three shoe wear, three staves of broken iron, three iron caps poistrepala and find me? Let's go now to the same home.

They began to gather home, and she saw, and ordered the trumpets to sound, to change her husband's publicized.

Princes gathered so merchants are advised to keep as Finist - clear Falcon punished.

Then Finist - the Falcon says:

- Which, in your opinion, a real wife: that it be that hard love, or one that sells so deceiving?

All agreed that the wife Finist - clear falcon - Maryushka.

And they began to live happily ever after. Let's go to the state, feast collected in the pipe blew in the gun lit, and there was a feast, which is now remembered.
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