Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 25 » Brothers-hunters

In a certain kingdom, in a country once upon two brothers - the hunter.
Here again they went on their prey. Golden hare seen. All of them were let go. Got lost in the woods appeared.
A rabbit jumped into the bushes and was gone from his eyes. Nothing to do hunters - will spend the night in the woods.
Younger brother took the gun and went to look - maybe what dichina will fall, and the elder was to cook porridge.
Cooked porridge, waiting for his brother. Looks - the clearing out the old man, he did not stump up, hat in yard, and a beard in three fathoms.
- Hello, hunter! - He says.
- Wow! - Meets Big Brother.
- You can eat your cereal?
And the elder brother was greedy.
- No, - he says - the two of us by the few. Then the old man took the ladle and hit them on the head hunter. He immediately went to sleep.
And the old man sat down, ate cereal and went into the woods. Youngest came from hunting.
- Well, brother, cooked porridge? - Asked.
- No, it's something I got sick - responsible older. I am ashamed to admit it, not being able to stand up for themselves.
- Well, it does not matter - said the younger brother. Nawar porridge. Brothers dinner and went to bed. The elder brother of the morning went on the hunt, and the youngest was cooking porridge.
Here it is welded porridge, sitting, waiting for her brother. Looks - the clearing out the old man, he is not above the stump cap with yards, his beard in three fathoms.
- It's great hunter!
- Hello, darling - is responsible younger brother.
- You can eat your porridge?
- Well, if hungry, sit down, eat.
Here the old man sat down, ate the whole mess.
- Thank you, you're a hunter, - he says. - Good your porridge. While goodbye, and you will get into trouble about me remember.
Wrapped up in the bushes, and if it was not. Came from hunting big brother. They began to gather home.
Here they are in the woods. Looking - meet the giant. Head is flush with oak trees, legs - two decks instead of the abdomen - sorokavedernaya barrel.
- It's great hunters! Go away?
- Yes, that's lost. Maybe you're the way you show?
- This case is empty. Let's go first to visit me. Leads to the giant to his home. Table plants, wine, and treats all kinds of foods.
A cook at the table served. No, no and look at his younger brother, the hunter, if he wants to say something.
He asked her to drink the water. Cook brings him some water, and she whispered:
- Watch out, the hunter! Wants you to kill the giant and eat it!
Pours them a giant glass of wine. The elder brother of drinking, and a smaller shoulder pours. Serve watermelon. The giant watermelon cut into pieces so the knife in his mouth guests vanities.
"E - thinks hunter - that way he slaughters us now. Give and I'll give him."
He took a knife, as if to cut off a slice of watermelon yes host entertain. Contrived to put a giant knife to her throat.
Frightened giant watermelon choked, fell to the ground.
Hunter took his key and went home to watch. Opens one door, sees - the whole room carpets cleaned. Opens a second room - the silver decorated. The third door is suitable.
And the cook said to him:
- Do not go there, the hunter - there is your sorrow. Do not listen to her hunter, unlocked the door, and a third. In gold the whole room sparkle. Sitting in the room maid a written beauty.
- Why - asks - you here, my good fellow, went? Giant comes, you eat and I will not leave alive.
And he told her answers:
- No giant alive. He wanted to eat me, but he choked. Come, my pretty, with me. Told her it was.
- And if so, - said the girl - then bring my nominal handkerchief, he's the giant in your pocket. Hunter ran, took nominal handkerchief, brought his girl. Hunter kissed her and called him a bride.
The elder brother was drunk, slept, saw nothing. They woke him and took with him a cook and went home.
That's got to the river.
A girl was the sister of the giant. She was afraid of the hunter, the orphan pretended she wanted him to death. She hid her handkerchief in his bosom, and said,
- The trouble me! Nominal handkerchief hastily dropped. Hunter ran a handkerchief, and the girl did not expect it, got into the boat with his older brother and moved to the other side.
Hunter walked-walked through the woods, found no handkerchief. Ran back to the river - no brothers or bride and cross on no.
Night is coming. What to do? He thought here about the old man of the forest. Just thinking about it, see - high fence, housing some. Hunter knocked at the gate, the old man went out to him, he did not stump up, cap with yards and beard in three fathoms.
- Hello, hunter! I'm waiting for you. Hunter told him my grief.
- I know, - said the old man. - I'm sorry you're a hunter himself. Why the third door unlocked? Now you can not go home. Death awaits you there. Telling the hunter to the old man for a year to watchmen - barns guard, and that it should be for this artful science taught.
The owner barns showed he was given the keys and told:
- Look, the barn, which is the last, not unlock. And do not look at it.
That's the year ended. Curiously Support - What's in this barn. Think: Look, the owner will know. Unlocked the lock, the door opened. And there is all sorts of reptiles and mammals. Scattered around the yard.
Scared hunter shouted. The owner came running, animals, and reptiles in the barn driven.
- Do not you have fulfilled our agreement - said. - You'll have another year I have to work.
Another year passed. Guard their service to perform properly. The old man was pleased with him, taught him a tricky science.
Hunter led the way out of the forest and pointed.
- Go, - said - to the people. Do not give up on the truth, not falsehood miluy.
Hunter thanked the old man and went home. Bride his older brother got married. And all about him thought that wolves ate it. So my wife says to her husband:
- Buy you a horse.
He went to the market to buy a horse. And the hunter turned good horse.
Horse looked older brother, he liked the horse. He took it so bought. Brought home and said:
- Look, my wife, what I bought you a horse!
She went out and looked, shook his head:
- This is not a stallion, and our destruction.
- What to do with it?
- He has to be hacked.
A cook all their conversation heard. She came to the horse and said:
- Colts my dear, long you live, you want to hack to death!
A man's voice, he says:
- When will I hack into your lap bounces bone. You do not leave it, and in the corner of the funeral. Here was older than her brother and his evil wife horse hack. Cook stands crying. Bone in her skirt came off. It took her and buried her in the corner. Rose apple tree on the site, but so beautiful! Apples on it all reds.
That's older brother and says:
- Wife, come ka look, what our apple tree with red apples!
She looked:
- It's not apple-tree, and our Slayer.
- What to do with it?
- It should be cut down.
Cook heard the whole conversation. She came to the apple tree, and cried:
- Sweet apple tree! I feel sorry for you. You want to cut the hosts.
And the apple tree with a human voice answers:
- When will I hack, splinter into your shoe will fly off. And you mean it, this splinter, take - throw into the pond.
So she did. When the apple tree cut down, splinter in her shoe came off. She picked it up and carried the pond.
Hunter became bluish drake. Floating on the pond.
The elder brother went to bathe. I saw a drake, was caught. Catch-catch, kill, and drowned. And the hunter turned his face, comes in and says:
- The wife and the wife! What I saw drake good!
And she said,
- This is not a drake, and our destruction.
He whipped her with a whip and says,
- Do not want to be the wife of a cute, so be gray mare!
Make it a gray mare. He did obrotal and harnessed to the plow. Until then raced across the field, while six acres are not plowed.
So she now has a walking harness. He himself married to the cook. Otpirovali wedding. Live-happily ever after, good ever after.
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