Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 25 » Lordly geese
Lordly geese
Lordly geese

One man's wife was grumpy and stubborn: it was that happened, he wants, let her husband duck, and even necessarily agree with her husband. Yes it hurts smarmy was on another beast: as used to go down to the yard strange beast, duck too husband and say that it is her. Terribly sick wife to her husband.
Then one day, and went to her yard aristocratic geese. The wife asks:
- Her husband, whose it geese?
- Bar.
- How - Bar!
Flared with anger, she fell to the floor.
- I'm going to die - he says - the effect: whose geese?
- Bar.
Wife groans and moans. Her husband leaned over to her:
- What are you moaning?
- Yes whose geese?
- Bar.
- Well, I'm dying, run quickly for the priest.
Here husband sent for the priest, too pop goes.
- Well, - said the husband - that the priest was going.
The wife asks:
- Whose geese?
- Bar.
- Well, let the priest comes, I die!
Here confessed it, joining, pop left. Husband again:
- What's with you, wife?
- Whose geese?
- Bar.
- Well, just die, prepare domovische!
Domovische produced. Husband came up:
- Well, my wife, too domovische ready.
- Whose geese?
- Bar.
- Well, quite dead, put in domovische.
Put in domovische and sent for the priest. Her husband leaned over to his wife and whispered:
- Oh domovische rise, want to carry funeral service in the church.
She whispers:
- Whose geese?
- Bar.
- Well, bear!
Here carried domovische, set in a church, otpeli requiem.
The husband comes to say goodbye.
- Oh, and a memorial service - he says - otpeli; want to make the cemetery.
Wife whispers
- Whose geese?
- Bar.
- Bring in the graveyard!
That rendered; raised domovische opuschat the grave, her husband naginaetsya:
- Well, my wife, so you to your grave and the ground immediately opuschayut zasyplyut.
She whispers:
- Whose geese?
- Bar.
- Well, opuschayte and go to sleep!
Domovische lowered and filled with earth. So went aristocratic woman geese!
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