Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 25 » Master - servant
Master - servant
Master - servant

Soldiers went on leave, was hired to serve as the master: a year for a hundred rubles. The landlord told him horses and clean, and carry dung, and water drag, and cut wood, and the garden of revenge - quite frazzled. Served soldiers and requests the calculation. Sorry for the landlord to give money, began to get, and the rheumatic roars.
- What are you, sir, weep?
- Yes, sorry for the money!
- What a you, sir! After all, I told you a year served. If you served me for three days, so I'd give you a hundred rubles and not say a word.
"Three days a little bit," - thinks a gentleman. I went to consult with her mistress. She said:
- What, serve three days!
And she thought: "It is not for me to serve, and to her husband, he was - I do not be bad." The gentleman agreed.
The soldier had dinner, went to sleep in the barn, took off his shoes, one shoe thrown in one corner of the hay, the other - in the other corner. Woke up in the morning, shouting:
- Hey!
The landlord is.
- Give me boots, I want to dress up!
The landlord will suffice - no boots, and ruined a fever, asked the soldier:
- Where are your boots?
- Oh, you rascal, you have the master asking about boots? Right, and did not clean them!
Gentleman around, hardly found one boot and the other not.
- Apply sticks! - Shouted the soldiers and began to blow the landlord. Before promyal that he was not happy and the money.
- I do not want - he says - to serve you, and take your money.
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