Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 26 » SHABARSHA

Ai amuse you a fairy tale? A wonderful tale: no diva in her wonderful, wonderful miracle, and farmhand Shabarsha so they took to the plow, so Nechay say - look back at all!
Shabarsha laborers went on to live, but it was the dashing Godin: no no bread, no vegetables, not born.
So I think the owner thought, deep thought: how to disperse the evil grief than to live happily ever after, where the money to take?
- Oh, do not grieve, master! - Says he Shabarsha. - Would day - bread and the money will be!
And he went on Shabarsha mill dam. "Perhaps - I think - the fish was caught, and selling - en that's money! Aha, yes, there's no strings to the bait ... Wait, now sovyu. "
Begged the miller handful of hemp, sat on the bank and the well twist hook. Forks, fork, and jumped out of the water to the shore boy in a black jacket but in red cap.
- Uncle! You're here doing? - He asked.
- And here's a rope twist.
- Why?
- Yes, I want to clean out the pond so you devils out of the water drag.
- Oh, no! Wait a bit, I'll go and tell my grandfather.
Imp plunged into the depths, and Shabarsha started back to work. "Wait - I think - I'll play with you, damned, a joke, and I will bring you gold and silver."
And he began to dig a hole Shabarsha, dug and pointed at her with his hat cut tops.
- Shabarsha and Shabarsha! Grandpa says that I'm with you bargained. What you take to get us out of the water does not carry?
- Why, this hat is full sprinkle gold and silver.
Imp plunged into the water returned back:
- Grandpa says that I struggled at first to you.
- Oh, where are you with me to fight! Oh, do not cope with my middle brother bear.
- Where's your teddy bear?
- Over there, look, resting in a ravine under a bush.
- How shall I call it?
- Do you go so hit him on the side, so he himself will rise.
Devil went to Tip and found the bear and grabbing his baton on his side. Bear in Dybok rose, rolled imp so that he has all the bones cracked. With difficulty escaped from the clutches of the bear, he ran to the water the old man.
- Well, my grandfather - he predicts in a fright, - at Shabarshi is the middle brother Teddy, grabbed it with me to fight - azhno bones have cracked! Well it would be, if he has something Shabarsha fight?
- Hm! Go on, try to run with Shabarshoy chasing each other: who will overtake?
And the boy in the red cap turned back to Shabarshe, gave him his grandfather's voice, and the man answered,
- But where you run around chasing each other with me! My little brother Zainka - and that you will leave far behind!
- Where is your brother Zainka?
- Yes there - lay down in the grass, relax wanted. Come closer to him but touch the ear - and so he will run with you!
Imp ran to Zainka, touched his ear, hare and giggled! Imp was followed by:
- Wait, wait, Zainka, give to you overtake ... Ah, gone!
- Well, my grandfather - said water, - I was rushed briskly run. Where! And caught not given: but it is not itself Shabarsha, and his younger brother ran!
- Hm! - Muttered the old man, frowning. - Go on and try to Shabarshe: cold day in hell who is stronger?
Imp came to Shabarshe:
- Shabarsha and Shabarsha! Grandpa told to try: one of us stronger whistle?
- Well, you whistle before.
Imp whistled so loudly that Shabarsha hardly stood on his feet, and the trees so the leaves and fell down.
- Well whistle - says Shabarsha - and it's not in my opinion! As I whistle - you can not stand on your feet, and your ears will not tolerate ... Lie face down to the ground so my ears with his fingers.
Imp lay prone on the ground and covered his ears with your fingers; Shabarsha took a club but with all his might suffice as his neck, and he - FY-FY-FY! .. - Whistling.
- Oh, Grandpa, Grandpa! But how cool whistled Shabarsha - ANT I Daylights fell; barely got off the ground, and the neck on the back but, I believe, all of a broken bone!
- Wow! Not strong, to know you little devil! Go-cloth, take it in the reeds, my iron club, but try this: one of you above vskinet it on the air?
Took a little devil stick, slung over his shoulder and went to Shabarshe.
- Well, Shabarsha, Grandpa told the last time to try: one of us is in the air above vskinet this club?
- Well, you throw it before, and I'll watch.
Raised devil stick - up high it flew, like the point in the sky is black! Hardly waited until the fall to the ground ...
Took Shabarsha club - hard! Put it on the end of his legs, leaned with his hand and began to gaze at the sky.
- Why do not you throw? What are you waiting? - Asks the devil.
- I'm waiting out Ent cloud approach - I Throw up at her club, there sits my brother, a blacksmith, he is useful to the case of iron.
- Uh, no, Shabarsha! Do not throw sticks on a cloud, and then grandfather angry!
Imp grabbed the baton and dived to his grandfather.
Grandfather as he heard of the granddaughter that Shabarsha very nearly threw his baton, not a little frightened, and told to pull money out of the pool but pay off. Imp dragged, carried the money, too much hauled - and it's not full cap!
- Well, my grandfather, to marvel at Shabarshi cap! All the money in it hauled, and it is still empty. Now there's your last chest.
- Carry and more! Rope-it Vietnamese?
- Viet, Grandpa!
- That's it!
Nothing to do, Poch imp cherished grandfather chest, began to pour Shabarshovu cap, showered, showered ... hardly completed! Since then, from that time has healed the servant boy to fame, called me to his honey-beer to drink, but I did not go to honey, they say, was bitter, and the beer cloudy. Why would such a parable?
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