Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 26 » Testicles

Me grandfather lived a woman so they had Speckled Hen, laid under the floor of the egg - pestro, vostro, kostyano, mudreno! Grandfather beat - not broken, the woman beat - not broken, and the mouse ran up the tail so crushed. Grandfather crying woman crying, chicken kudkudachet, gates creak, chips fly out of the yard, on top of the hut is reeling!
Popov went to the waters daughter asked his grandfather, a woman asked:
- What are you crying for?
- How can we not cry! - Meet grandfather yes woman. - We have a Speckled Hen, laid under the floor of the egg - pestro, vostro, kostyano, mudreno! Grandfather beat - not broken, the woman beat - not broken, and the mouse ran up the tail so crushed.
We heard it Popov daughter with great sorrow threw buckets down, broke the rocker and returned home empty-handed.
- Oh, mother! - They say falling. - Do not you know, do not know, but in light of the many deetsya: currently live grandfather yes woman, they Speckled Hen, laid under the floor of the egg - pestro, vostro, kostyano, mudreno! Grandfather beat - not broken, the woman beat - not broken, and the mouse ran up the tail so crushed. Because my grandfather crying woman crying chicken kudkudachet, gates creak, chips fly out of the yard, on top of the hut is reeling! And we iduchi for water, threw a bucket, the rockers broke!
At that time, the priest's wife was kneading trough. As she heard that my grandfather was crying, and the woman was crying, chicken kudkudachet, immediately with great sorrow upset all the dough trough and swept the floor.
Pop came with the book.
- Oh, Father! - The effect of it falling. - Do not you know, do not know, but in light of the many deetsya: currently live grandfather yes woman, they Speckled Hen, laid under the floor of the egg - pestro, vostro, kostyano, mudreno! Grandfather beat - not broken, the woman beat - not broken, and the mouse ran up the tail so crushed. Because my grandfather crying woman crying chicken kudkudachet, gates creak, chips fly out of the yard, on top of the hut is reeling! Our daughter, iduchi for water, threw buckets, rocker broke, and I was kneading the dough so with great sorrow swept all over the floor!
Pop-zatuzhil zagoreval, the book tore to shreds.
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