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Two Ivan - Soldiers son
Two Ivan - Soldiers son

In a certain kingdom, in a country, there lived a man. Time passed - enrolled him as a soldier, he leaves his wife, was to say goodbye to her and said:
- Look, my wife, and live a good, good people do not be ridiculous, little house without going bankrupt, manage let me wait, maybe I will come back. Here's fifty rubles. A daughter, the son of a bear - still Preserve money to age: become a daughter to marry - is it a dowry, and if God will give his son may enter it in over a year - and he will be in the money, an aid is large.
Said goodbye to his wife and went to the march, which was ordered. Three months later his wife gave birth to twins, boys and called them Ivan - the soldiers' sons.
Come on boys in growth, like wheat dough into the dough, so up and stretch. Guys knocked ten years, gave them to his mother to science, they soon learned to read and write and knights and merchants for children now silenced - no one better not be able to neither read nor write, nor answer to give.
Knights and merchants' children envious and let those twins every day Tapping yes pinch.
Says one brother to another:
- How long will we be pounding so pinching? My mother and then we do not nashetsya dresses, hats are not bought, that no put on, all the comrades to shreds izorvut! Let's have to deal with them differently.
And they agreed to stand for each other, each other not to give. The next day the boyars and merchants were pulling up their children, and they are - full of hate! - How to send the change to give. Everyone got! Immediately ran to the guards, tied them up, good lads, and put him in jail.
It got a case before the king, and he urged the boys to her, asked about everything, and ordered them released.
- They - he says - are not to blame: not instigators!
Ivan grew two - soldiers, children and asked his mother:
- Mother, there is not a parent of any of our money? Coley left, give us, We will go to the city to the fair, buy yourself on good horse.
Mother gave him fifty rubles - for twenty-five to his brother - and ordered:
- Listen, detushki! How to go to the city, give a nod to everyone you meet and cross.
- Well, dear!
Here the brothers went to the city, came to the horse, look - a lot of horses, and choose not anything, it's not a match for them, good fellow!
Says one brother to another:
- Let's go to the other end of the square, Look, the people there that the crowd - by the thousand!
Came there, pushed forward - the oak pillars stand two stallions to iron chains chained, one in six and one in twelve; eager horses with chains, bits bite, dig the earth hooves. No one approach them close dares.
- What is your stallions price will be? - Says Ivan - the son of a soldier in the host.
- Not with thy brother, to be put forward here! There is a product, but not for you, there is nothing to ask.
- Who knows what they know not, maybe we'll buy, you just have to look in the mouth.
The owner smiled
- Look, if the head is not sorry!
Immediately one brother went to the stallion that the six chains were fixed, and the other brother - to the fact that the twelve chains held. Steel was in the teeth look - where? Stallions reared and snore ...
Brothers hit their knees to the chest - the chain flew, stallions for five yards rebounded, fell to the ground.
- That's what boasted? Yes we nag and these do not take the gift.
People gasps, divuetsya: that the strongest heroes come from? The host almost crying: his horses galloped out of town and let's wander around the open field, start them no one dares to how to catch, no one will come up.
Pity "over the host Ivana - Soldiers children out into the open field, cried with a loud voice, valiant whistle - horses ran and stood in the place as if rooted to the spot, then put them on the good fellows iron chains, led them to the posts of oak and chained tightly-tightly. celebrated this thing and go home.
Go-by the way, a white-haired old man to meet them, they have forgotten that his mother punished him, and passed by, not worshiped, but certainly after one caught himself:
- Oh, my boy, what have we done this? The old man did not give a bow, let's catch up with his bow down. Caught up with the old man, took off hats, bow from the waist and said:
- Forgive us, my grandfather that were not greeted. We strictly punished mother: who would in no way met, every salute.
- Thank you, good fellows! Where to go?
- In the city the fair; wanted to buy a good horse, but there are none, to come in handy.
- How can that be? Shall I give you a horse?
- Oh, Grandpa, if a present, let us thank you forever!
- Well, let's go!
Old man led them to a big mountain, iron door opens and displays the heroic horses:
- So much for the horses, good fellows! Go with God, possess your health!
They thanked him, took a horse and rode home.
We arrived at the yard, the horses tied to a post and went into the house. Mother began to ask:
- What, children, bought a horse for?
- Buy not bought a gift received.
- Where are you going to Delhi?
- Near the house set.
- Oh, children, look - not led any man!
- No, ma'am, not takovskie horses: do not take away the fact that - and you can not reach them!
Mother came out, looked at the heroic horses and burst into tears:
- Well, sons, right, you are not breadwinners me. The next day my mother asked my sons:
- Let us into town to buy himself saber.
- Go on, my dears!
They gathered, went to the blacksmith shop, come to master.
- Do - say - us saber.
- What to do! There are ready, as many take it!
- No, my friend, we are sabers necessary that weighed three hundred pounds.
- Oh, what an idea! But who is such utter edifice will roll? And such a bugle in the whole world will not find!
Nothing to do - good lads went home and hung their heads. Go-by the way, and meet them again the same old man comes across.
- Hello, Mladen boys!
- Hi, Grandpa!
- Where to go?
- In the city, at the forge, wanted to buy a saber, but there are none, so we fell on the arm.
- Poor thing! Shall I give you a saber?
- Oh, Grandpa, if a present, let us thank you forever!
The old man led them to a huge mountain, opened the iron door and made two heroic swords. They took the sword, thanked the old man, and happily, gaily in their hearts became!
Come home, his mother asked:
- What, children, bought a saber on?
- Buy not bought a gift received.
- Where are you going to Delhi?
- Near the house set.
- See how a man would not claimed!
- No, my dear, do not take away the fact that even you can not take away.
Mother came into the yard, looked - two heavy swords, heroic to the charge of the wall, barely holding hut! Burst into tears and said:
- Well, sons, right, you are not breadwinners me!
The next morning Ivana - Soldiers children saddled their good horses, took their heroic sword, come into the house, with the birth mother forgiven:
- Bless us, mother, on their way later on.
- Be on you, children, my parents' blessing indestructible! Go with God, themselves, show people look, in vain to no man, and the gate of evil does not agree.
- Do not worry, my dear! We have such a saying: food - not whistle and naedyatsya - do not let down!
Boarded the good fellows on horses, and drove off. Near or far, long or short - soon tale tells, than done - they come to a crossroads, and there are two pillars. At one pole is written, "Who will go to the right, he will be king," and on the other post says, "Who will go to the left, he will be killed."
Brothers stopped, read labels and think: to whom to go? Both the number one road is empty - no honor, not praise their heroic strength, youthful daring, go alone to the left - do not want anyone to die!
Yes, there is nothing to do - says one of the brothers of the other:
- Well, my friend, I'm stronger than you, why do not I go to the left but see, from what may befall me death? You go right: maybe God will give - the king to do!
Steel, they leave, give each other, and put her handkerchief to the covenant: to go to each his way, on his way to set columns, those columns to write for myself to know for knowledge; every morning to wipe the face with a handkerchief bratninym: if death befalls, with a Need to go to look for the dead. Good fellows dispersed in different directions. Who let the horse to the right, he made it to the glorious kingdom.
In this realm, the king lived with the queen, and they had a daughter, Princess Nastasya Beautiful.
King saw Ivan - the soldier's son, loved him for his valor and heroic, not thinking for a long time, and gave him his daughter in marriage, called him Ivan Tsarevich and told him to run the whole realm. Prince Ivan lives in the joy of his wife admires, in the realm of the procedure is so pampered animal hunting.
In a while he began to hunt meet, horse harness, apply and found in the saddle - two bottles with water and live tives sewn, looked at those bubbles, and put back in the saddle. "We have to - I think - keep the time, one never knows - will need."
And his brother Ivan - the son of a soldier, which left the road went, day and night riding without getting tired. A month passed, and another, and a third, and he arrived in a strange country - right in the capital city. In that state of great sadness: houses are covered with black cloth, people like sleepy stagger. He hired himself the very thin flat from a poor old woman and began to inquire:
- Tell me, Grandma, why does it in your state all the people and all the houses pripechalilsya black cloth curtained?
- Ah, my good fellow! Great grief seized with us, every day out of the blue sea, because of the gray stone dvenadtsatiglavy snakes and eats at the man for a single time, now came the turn of the king ... He has three beautiful princesses, only now was taken over on the beach - the snake to be devoured. Ivan - the soldier's son mounted his horse and rode to the blue sea, to the gray stone, on the shore is a beautiful princess - chained to an iron chain. Knight saw it, and said to him:
- Get out of here, my good fellow! Will soon be here dvenadtsatiglavy snakes, and I perish, and you can not escape death: fierce snakes will eat you!
- Do not worry - maiden, maybe choke.
Ivan came to her - a soldier's son, seized the chain heroic hand and broke into small pieces "like rotten twine, after the maiden lay on her knees.
- I'll sleep, and you see the sea, as soon as a cloud rises, zashumit wind, sea vskolyhaetsya - immediately wake me, young man.
Maiden listened, became a sea view.
Suddenly, a cloud bearing down, the wind rustled the sea vskolyhalosya - hsin of sea snakes out, the hill rises. Princess woke Ivan - a soldier's son, and he got up, but the horse jumped, and even kite flying:
- You, Ivan, why here? After all, here is my place! Now say goodbye to the white light itself so quickly climb into my throat - Well you better be!
- You're lying, damn snakes! Do not swallow - to put down! - Ivan replied, drew his sharp sword, swung, hit and cut the snake all twelve heads, raised stone gray, head put under a stone, threw the body into the sea, and he returned home to the old woman, ate, drank, went to bed and slept for three days.
At the time, the king called for a water carrier.
- Go, - said - at the beach, though tsarevniny gather stones.
Water truck came to the blue sea, sees - Princess alive, nothing intact, put it on a cart, and drove in a thick, dense forest, had introduced into the forest and began to sharpen a knife.
- What are you gonna do? - Asks the princess.
- I sharpen a knife, you want to cut!
Princess cried:
- Do not Cut me, I will not do any thin.
- Tell your father that I delivered you from the snake, so have mercy!
Nothing to do - agreed. Went to the palace, the king was delighted and granted that the water carrier colonel. Here's how awake Ivan - the son of a soldier, he called the old woman gives her money and asks:
- Come-ka, a grandmother, to market, to buy that I must, but listen to what people say, Intermedia, if there was anything new?
The old woman ran to the market, bought various supplies, listened human news, came back and said:
- There is a rumor among the people: he was de Our king great dinner, sitting at the table the king's son, and envoys, nobles and famous people, and in those days came flying through the window and fell hardened boom in the middle of the hall, to the boom was a letter tied to another snake dvenadtsatiglavogo. Writes snakes if you do not mean me vyshlesh princess, I'll burn your kingdom fire, ashes will scatter. Today is going to take it, the poor, to the blue sea, to the gray stone.
Ivan - the soldier's son is mounted his good horse, sat down, and rode on the beach. Princess tells him:
- What are you doing, my good fellow? Let them take my turn to die, the hot blood shed, and what you lost?
- Fear not, fair maiden!
Only had time to say it flies fierce snake, fire blazing, death threatens.
Warrior struck him with his sword and cut off sharp all twelve heads and the heads placed under a stone, threw the body into the sea, and he came home, ate, drank, and lay down again for three days, three nights. Water truck came back, he saw that the princess was alive, put her in the cart, took a deep forest and began to sharpen a knife. Asked the princess:
- What knife sharpening?
- I sharpen a knife, you want to cut. Swear on the fact that you say the father, as I need, so I will have compassion.
The princess gave him the oath, he brought her to the palace, the king rejoiced, and granted the rank of generals water carrier.
Ivan - the soldier's son awoke from his sleep on the fourth day, and told the old woman to go to the market but to listen to news.
The old woman ran to the market gate back and said:
- The third snake appeared, sent a letter to the king, and in the letter required: export de smaller princess to be devoured.
Ivan - the soldier's son mounted his good horse, sat down and rode to the blue sea.
On the shore is a beautiful princess, an iron chain chained to a rock. Hero grabbed the chain, shook and ripped like rotten twine, after the maiden lay on his knees:
- I'll sleep, and you see the sea, as soon as a cloud rises, zashumit wind, sea vskolyhaetsya - immediately wake me, young man.
The princess began to look to the sea ... Suddenly, a cloud bearing down, the wind rustled the sea vskolyhalosya - hsin of sea snakes out, the hill rises. Ivan became the princess to awaken - the soldier son, pushing, pushing - no, do not wake up, she cried tearfully, and dripped hot tears on his cheek from the hero woke up, ran to his horse, and a good horse on a half-yard of the earth under knocked hooves. Dvenadtsatiglavy flying snakes, fire and bursting, looked at the hero and cried
- Well do you, you are handsome, good fellow, but do not you be living, eat you, and with the bones!
- You're lying, damn snake put down.
They began to beat nearly to death, Ivan - the soldier's son so quickly and strongly waved his saber, it glowed red hot, you can not hold in their hands! He begged the princess:
- Save me, fair maiden! Take off the road handkerchief, soaking in the blue sea and let wrap sword.
Princess once soaked his handkerchief and gave good fellow.
He wrapped his sword and began to cut snake felled him all twelve heads, heads are put under a rock, the body thrown into the sea, and he rode home, ate, drank, and lay down to sleep on the night of Troy.
The king sends a water truck on the beach again. Water truck came and took the princess and brought in a thick forest, took out a knife and began to sharpen?
- What are you doing? - Asks the princess.
- Knife sharpen, you want to cut! Tell your father that I won the snake, so pardon.
Frightened maiden, vowed to speak to him. A minority of the king's daughter was the favorite, as he saw her alive, in what unharmed, he rejoices more than before, and wanted water truck favor - give him less married princess.
Rumor went about that the whole state. Ivan learned - a soldier's son, that the king of wedding afoot, and went straight to the palace, and there is a feast, the guests drink and eat all kinds of games, having fun.
Smaller princess looked at Ivan - the soldier's son, saw his saber your dear handkerchief, jumped up from the table, took it - by the hand and said to his father:
- Sovereign-Father! That's who delivered us from fierce snake, from death naprasnyya, a water carrier only knew knife sharpening but saying: I de sharpen a knife, you want to cut!
The king was angry, immediately ordered a water carrier to hang, and the princess was married to Ivan - a soldier's son, and they were great fun. Were young to live happily ever after.
While this deyalos brother Ivan - the soldier son, Ivan Tsarevich's what happened. He once went hunting and got his deer-footed. Prince Ivan struck the horse and set off in pursuit of him, raced, raced and drove into a broad meadow. Then a deer with an eye missing. Prince looks and thinks, which is now the way forward? Looking - on the meadow brook flows on the water two gray ducks swim. He took aim with a gun, shot and killed a couple of ducks, pulled them out of the water, put it in a bag and went on.
Drove on and saw the white stone house, dismounted, tied her to a post and went into the house. All empty - not a single person, only one room is heated oven for hearth is a pan on the table unit is ready: a plate and fork and knife. Prince Ivan took out of the bag ducks, plucked, cleaned, put in a pan and put it in the oven, fried, put on the table, cut so is eating.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, is the maiden to him - so beautiful that no tale to tell, nor pen to write - and said to him:
- Bread and salt, Ivan Tsarevich
- Welcome, fair maiden! Sit down with me to eat.
- I would have sat down with you, but I'm afraid: you have a magical horse.
- No, fair maiden, do not know! My house was a magical horse, I just came. As heard this beautiful maiden, and immediately began to sulk, pout and there was a terrible lioness, opened her mouth and swallowed whole prince.

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