Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 25 » Vasilisa the priest's daughter
Vasilisa the priest's daughter
Vasilisa the priest's daughter

In a certain kingdom, in a country, there lived a Basil-pop. He had a daughter Vasilisa Vasilyevna. She dressed in men's clothes, rode a horse, shoot a gun and did not at all on the girl's, so that very few people knew that she - a girl and thought she was - a man, and her name was Vasily Vasilyevich, and more because Basil V. was hungry for vodka and this znash, girls do not face. Here edinova King Velvet (the name of the king of the party) went to hunt for dichinkoy, and got to meet him, Basil V.. She rode on horseback to the men's clothing, too, for hunting. Velvet king, seeing her, asked his servants:
- Who is this young man?
A servant to him and says:
- It's the king, not a man and a woman; dovedomo I know that this is the daughter of a priest Basil and that her name is Vasilisa Vasilyevna.
As soon as the king returned to the court Velvet, immediately wrote to the priest Basil gramotku it to his son Vasily let go to see him enjoy the royal table. Meanwhile, he went to his grandmother-zadvorenke-yaginishne and let her pry as to know what exactly Vasily girl. Granny zadvorenka-yaginishna and said to him:
- You're on the right-hand is in his ward hang pyala but by then lev-hand gun, if she really Basil V., is when the House rises, especially for pyala be missed, and if - Vasily, then a weapon.
The king listened to her grandmother-Velvet-zadvorenku yaginishnu and told his servants to put in the house and hang pyala gun.
Once gramotka royal father came to Basil and he showed it to his daughter, and immediately went to Basil V. groom yard, saddled for himself sivogo horse, a horse-sivogo sivogrivogo, and straight to the king boo velvet yard. Velvet king meets her, she is courteous to God praying in Scripture Cross puts on all four storonushki bow gives, with the king of velvet and is affectionately greeted him in the royal palace. They sat down together at the table and let's drink drinking drunk is Refreshment sugar. After dinner, Basil V. became the king of velvet around the wards and clear up as soon as she saw pyala, then uchala King Velvet condemn:
- What is - he says - is you, O king Velvet, for trash? My father's mother's maiden sort shelepetya and views to be seen and had never heard, and the king's maiden Velvet shelepete visitsya the wards!
Then she and the king's velvet courteous goodbye and went home. The king could not come to know that it is just a girl.
That way a couple of days, no more king Velvet sends back to the priest Basil gramotku and asks him to let him her son Vasily. Immediately, as soon as Basil V. heard about it, went to the groom yard, saddled for himself sivogo horse, a horse-sivogo sivogrivogo and smelled directly to the king velvet yard. King Velvet she meets. She greeted him kindly, courteous in praying to God, in Scripture Cross puts on all four storonushki gives nod. Velvet at the behest of the king grandmother zadvorenki yaginishny-ordered for dinner to cook porridge and starting it with pearls, you see, my grandmother, she told him that if she really Basil V., the pearl will be put in a handful, and if Vasily, then throw it under the table .
Here and it's time to eat. King sat down to table, and Vasilisa Vasilyevna planted by the right hand, and they began to drink drink drunk and have meats sugar. After all served porridge, and as soon as Basil V. sipped her and got her a pearl, she firewood it under the table, along with porridge and uchala King Velvet condemn.
- What is this, - he says - for this stuff in the porridge loser? My father's mother's maiden sort shelepetya and views to be seen and had never heard, and the king's maiden Velvet shelepete dish put in!
Then she and the king's velvet courteous goodbye and went home. King again could not come to know that it is just a girl, and that's hurt he wanted.
Two days later at the behest of King Velvet grandmother told yaginishny zadvorenki-heated the bath, you see, my grandmother, she told him that if she really Basil V., in the bath with the king will not go. Heated the bath.
Again, the king wrote to the priest Velvet Basil gramotku it to his son Vasily to visit him let go. Once Basil V. learned about it, immediately went to the groom yard, saddled his horse sivogo, horse-sivogo sivogrivogo and flopped straight to the king of velvet on the yard. She meets the king on the front porch. She greeted him affectionately and is on a velvet rug in the chamber; vzoshed to discharge the same, in courteous prayed to God, in the Scripture of the cross, all four storonushki nizehonko bowed, sat down with the king of velvet at the table with him and began to drink drink drunk and have Refreshment sugar.
After dinner, the king and said:
- Not for the sake of you, Vasily, with me in the bathhouse to go?
- Very well, Your Majesty - responsible Basil V. - I am a long time ago in a bath never been hurt and hungry for steam.
So they went together to the bath. Generation king Velvet razoblakalsya in peredbanke it at the time managed to swim, and was as follows. The king could not in the bath of her capture. Basil V., vyshed of the bath, meanwhile, wrote to the king and told him to scribble his servants to give him when he comes out of the bath. And in this scribble was written:
- Oh, you crow, raven, King Velvet! Do not know how you, a crow, a falcon in the garden soymat! And I'm not Vasily and Vasilisa Vasilyevna.
Here is our king Velvet and remained on the beans: you see what you Vasilisa Vasilyevna was wise, and lepoobraznaya!
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