Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 26 » WHAT IN THE WORLD DO NOT GET

Once there was a gentleman, a rich-prebogaty. He did not know where to put their money. Eat-drink sweet, dressed smartly, staying with him every day, there was so much that the other on holidays that did not happen. And all the money he did not decrease, even coming.
And once his master wanted to make fun of the guy, fool yourself and to the delight of guests. He calls himself a poor man from the village, and said to him:
- Listen, man. I'll give you the money entire Malenko, just tell me what in the world does not happen. Nowadays people are just reached: on line drive and fly through the sky, and Peter the wire can send sandals. Tell me: what on earth is?
Man scratched his head.
- I do not know - he says - sir, I believe, earnest everything happens. Give us time until tomorrow - maybe they like.
- Well Come to think, - said the master - but come tomorrow, the answer brings.
A man did not sleep till all hours, all the puzzle master's guess. Changed his mind, and you never know what the world does not exist, and the mind and the will: "Maybe it is, but I do not know. Oh well, I will say at random, and maybe what does not happen! "
The next day he came to his master.
- Well, man, now you know what in the world does not happen?
- One, sir, does not happen: no ax belts, foot for the ax will not shut up.
Gentleman smiled, laughed, and guests; see - a man-that is gray, but the mind, then it is not a wolf ate. It is necessary to measure Malenko. Yes sir not regret the money, not even like the guy on the joke, who knows, and says only the man:
- I found it, brother, what to say. We truly do not, and in foreign lands - so often. Go with God tomorrow. Imagine - the answer brought.
Thought a man and the other night. Whatever you decide to, all in the hope of poor aristocratic money. "Astute Germans - think - they could all happen. Well I will say something else! "
Comes in the morning to his master.
- Oh, man, if all the world is?
- Not all, sir: the woman priest does not happen, the red girl is not impoverish.
Smiled all, only the master again did not give him money.
- No, - said - it happens, on nemetchine and all that. Go and think about the last time. You say - take the money and do not be angry.
Spat with anger man; iduchi home, thinking, "We see the same did not happen to have my money was!"
Still, through the night again goes to the master. "Naskazhu - thinks - he stuff, maybe that would be fantastic story."
- Well, what do you say enough is? - Asks a gentleman. - I did not recognize it, then do not happen?
- All, sir, is, - said a man. - I think that people do not ever get to heaven, but here he has visited, and now believe that it is.
- How you got to heaven?
- The deceased's wife to visit punished and sent a cart for me: two cranes in raznopryazhku. To see her with the kids and went back to your mercy.
- And back with cranes?
- No, I jumped back.
- How are you, little man, was not killed?
- And that, mired deep in the ground, not hard ground caught.
- From the ground as got?
- Heh ... as! And went home and brought a shovel, dig up, and got out.
- Have you not seen in the sky of the late master, my father?
- Why, saw the handle prevent pleased.
- Well, what's he doing there? - Interrogating a gentleman.
A man, then, do not be a bad guess and said:
- What does the late master? Yes, after my kids postilki washes.
- That's a lie, man, you fool! - Cried the gentleman. - Togo do not happen to have the master slave nursed! Take the money, but not stranded drivel.
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